Year 5 - Spring 2 - Week 5

Date: 24th Mar 2022 @ 7:53pm


In a week where the sun has shone, Year 5 have continued to shine too.


Our Collective Worship focus on the monthly value of ‘Sacrifice’ allowed us to reflect on how people often sacrifice things for Lent and the reasons behind this. After then discussing the things which we would find most difficult to sacrifice, we explored the ‘iceberg illusion’ animation and how sacrifice is a key element to achieve success. The children were then tasked with seeking out a quote relating to sacrifice which they found particularly inspiring and that resonated with them personally.


In PE, we have reached the end of our focus on Speed Stacking after improving our skillset and speed throughout the half term. This final lesson involved a round robin tournament that took place in the sunshine before five children who had secured the most victories progressed to the grand finals to compete against one another. Our overall winner was proudly crowned, however each child should be proud of themselves for the resilience, effort and improvement that they have shown throughout our PE lessons this half term.


In our English learning, we were extremely proud to write up the “top copy” of our biographies on Commander Chris Hadfield within our Author Books. Accompanied by pictures representative of Chris Hadfield’s life and career, the children worked hard to present their work in the style of a biography whilst also ensuring that their handwriting was neat and showcased their best. Very impressive!


In our Maths work, we have continued to challenge ourselves as we have honed our skills when multiplying fractions by fractions and also when multiplying fractions by whole numbers. As we progressed so well in these areas, we were then able to apply our skills to a range of multiplying fraction word problems, including a QR code hunt in our outdoor area. Next week’s Maths lessons will focus on word problems involving the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


We can’t quite believe that next week is (already) the final week of this term. In the meantime though, have a great weekend and see you on Monday!