Year 5 - Summer 1 - Week 1

Date: 20th Apr 2023 @ 9:05pm


Welcome to the Summer Term! It was great to welcome back the Year 5 children after very varied and exciting activities during the time off that were great to hear about. This week, we achieved so much and really did pick up where we left off. Here are just a few highlights…


We enjoyed our PE lessons in the sunshine that focused on both Hockey (on Wednesday) and Striking & Fielding with Formby High School (on Thursday). It will be great to see just how the children’s skills develop in these areas as the term progresses.


In English, we have commenced our new focus book for this half term. It is titled ‘The Paperbag Prince’ by Colin Thompson. Before reading even the first page, we did a lot of work exploring the upcoming themes and content of this picturebook. Much of this linked to the environment and the importance of reducing both pollution and waste on our planet. To unpick this further, we watched several videos, including David Attenborough’s Blue Planet, which showed the horrors of plastic waste in the ocean and the detrimental effects that this is having on marine life. This led to many passionate discussions and many thinking skills were used as we reflected using green thinking hats and also completed a Diamond 9 model to help further guide our reasoning. We look forward to getting stuck into this book from next week!


Our Maths work has focused on measuring angles with a protractor and a particularly fun lesson involved measuring and checking different sized angles that we had drawn onto our own tables alongside our shoulder partners. Accuracy was the key and this led to many dojo points being awarded too! Next week’s Maths will focus on coordinates and translation, including translating shapes and symbols within coordinate grids.


In RE, we began our new unit that focused upon ‘Women in the Old Testament’. The aim of this is to widen the children’s knowledge and understanding of the role and significance of women in the Bible and God’s big story. Our first lesson involved us completing some code breaking activities that provided us with the name of a significant female biblical figure and their role. This enabled us to expand our knowledge base.


Have a brilliant weekend, Year 5 - I look forward to seeing you on Monday!



-Brass lessons will take place every Friday throughout this term.

-Year 5 PE lessons will take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays each week for this half term. Please ensure that your child attends school in their full PE kit on these days.

-Please also note that homework has been uploaded as usual to Mirodo as it will be each Friday throughout this term. As previously, the homework will be set each Friday and should be completed on or before the following Wednesday.

-Weekly spellings have also been uploaded to Google Classroom, which will be tested next Friday (28th).