Year 5 - Summer 1 - Week 4

Date: 12th May 2022 @ 5:34pm


Another week full of highlights and achievements within the Year 5 classroom!


In Collective Worship, we have been exploring the 'Meaningful May' calendar as a way of promoting mindfulness across our class. This is a great daily reminder for the children to appreciate the little things in life and help to support positivity and wellbeing.


Our artwork explored cityscapes. After looking at some impressive skylines of our own, including our very own Liverpool skyline, we explored the work of pop artist, Charles Fazzino. He blends cityscapes and pop art to create some striking, vibrant creations which inspired us within our lesson. We enjoyed re-creating our own versions and will develop our techniques in the coming weeks!


In Science, we explored the circle of life of a plant by creating our own handmade flowers using a variety of resources including tissue paper, cotton buds, art straws and more. It was important that our completed flowers detailed all of the key reproductive parts of the flower and these were labelled afterwards using key scientific terminology. A creative and informative task that will hopefully help us to retain more of the key knowledge associated with this topic.


In Maths, we have focused on co-ordinates and translation of shapes and have started to apply our knowledge across four quadrants. Next week, we will extend our knowledge of these concepts further including translation within coordinate grids.


An excellent week and we hope that the sun continues to shine into the weekend. Enjoy it and see you all on Monday!



-Homework will continue to be set via Mirodo (as usual) for this week and spellings will continue to be set via Google Classroom.

-Year 5 school trip to Edge Hill University on Friday 20th May.