Year 5 - Summer 2 - Week 2

Date: 15th Jun 2023 @ 8:22pm


We’re not quite sure we really believe that it is Friday already; this week has passed by in a flash!


In another week of glorious sunshine, our PE lessons involved Tri-Golf and Kinball. In Tri-Golf, the children honed their technique and skills before progressing onto designing their own golf course. Using a variety of obstacles (and their own creativity), the children were tasked with designing a golf course hole for their friends to try. In Kinball, it was all aboard the Kinball train as the children had to work together to ensure that the train didn’t run out of track on its journey. The children loved this mini-game and also a further teamwork-based activity which involved working together to move the Kinball down the line both efficiently and whilst maintaining full control. Great fun was had in both PE lessons and bring on next week!


We had plenty of mindful moments throughout the week too as the children, in one activity, followed a calm script to notice more about how they were feeling. We also focused on mindfulness of sounds by first paying attention to the environment around us before focusing in on a specific sound and following it for as long as we could.  


In Art, we carried on with our Cityscapes focus as we painted our own cityscape silhouettes which replicated photos of different cities, either at sunrise or sunset. The children’s creations were carefully made and stunning to look at.


Our Maths lessons this week involved recapping our mathematical learning so far this year through some assessments. We are delighted with the children’s positivity, resilience, maturity and overall effort in completing these assessments to the best of their ability. Well done, Year 5! Next week’s Maths lessons will focus on converting measurements (ml to L and g to kg).


Wishing you all an enjoyable weekend and thank you, Year 5, for all your hard work during a very warm week!



­-Please read the guidance on Google Classroom for a ‘spelling challenge’ that the children have been set for the remainder of this academic year.

-English and Maths homework will continue as normal for the time being on Mirodo as usual.

-Should the warm weather and temperatures continue, please ensure that children apply suncream in preparation.