Year 5 - Summer 2 - Week 3

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 7:55pm


Another week complete in the Year 5 classroom!


We completed our Design Technology project centred around ‘Building Bridges’. As always in DT, we worked through each of the crucial stages: Research --> Design --> Make --> Evaluate. Following our learning about various famous bridges from around the world and their differing structures and features, the children were tasked with researching a bridge that most interested them. Then came the design phase before the actual construction commenced! There was plenty of innovation and creativity on display in the bridges that were constructed and, crucially, most met the design criteria. Following our constructions, it was time for the all-important necessary safety tests. Some bridges were not so fortunate here and crumbled (literally) under the pressure of these tests! We enjoyed this project and it was great to observe the teamwork between pairs and the imagination put into the final bridge designs and constructions.


We have also continued our Geography focus related to Japan, which included learning more about the capital city of Tokyo. We also focused on the human geography of Japan in one lesson before moving onto physical geography aspects in another.


This week was also National School Sports Week! To mark this event, our Sports Ambassadors helped to ensure that there was a different sport available for the children to play at breaktime and lunchtime. The sports included dodgeball, tennis, badminton and more. Great fun was had as many children got involved with a different sporting activity during their free time.


In Maths, we have focused on converting measures, including kilograms to grams, centimetres to metres and millilitres to litres. Next week’s lessons will involve problem solving using the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


Have a great weekend, everyone!



-KS1 & KS2 Sports Day on 28.6.23 (pm).

-Scholastic Book Fair (after school) on 28.6.23 to 4.7.23.

-Team TSP Summer Fair on 30.6.23 (pm and after school).