Year 5 - Summer 2 - Week 4

Date: 29th Jun 2023 @ 9:36pm


Well done to Year 5 for really giving your absolute all throughout this week! It has been as busy as ever and the time really is flying by with now just two and a half weeks of this school year remaining. Here are some highlights from the many different things that we have managed to fit into this week…


Our school week started in the best way…with another school trip! This time our adventures took us not too far down the road to ‘Go Outside’ in Formby. We had an absolutely fantastic time in a range of survival, adventure and orienteering style activities. A particular highlight was the Slip 'N Slide where the change of clothes definitely became a necessity! What a time we had and a really fantastic final Year 5 outdoors adventure.


A firm favourite moment was our Maths related, ‘Pirate Game’ that was introduced to the children this week. There are so many rules that it would be difficult to outline just how it works here. However, the words lively, fast-paced and chaotic do spring quickly to mind. Such fun was had throughout and it was a joy to be part of a whole class game that was played with the right competitive spirit but also with plenty of humour, resilience and kindness. Well done for making it such a success! Next week’s Maths lessons will be game-based but will also incorporate some problem-solving tasks across a range of Maths topics too.


In Collective Worship, being the end of the month, we rounded up all of our learning on June’s monthly value of Koinonia. To support this, the children watched Lewis Capaldi’s Glastonbury performance from the previous weekend where, unfortunately, Lewis was unable to finish the set due to difficulties brought on by his Tourette’s. In an extremely powerful and moving moment, the watching crowd came together and took over the singing for Lewis to complete his final song. The children were even clapping (and singing) themselves in the classroom too! We connected this to our monthly value of Koinonia as it represented how the Glastonbury festival goers came together as one community and one voice for a shared reason.  


On Friday, it was time for the Summer Fair! We had lots of fun using up our tokens across a range of different stalls and activities, even if the British summer weather did let us down. We also had the added bonus of meeting some of our soon-to-be Reception buddies as we accompanied our Nursery class around the Summer Fair. The children were very excited and proud to have this opportunity and they were excellent role models and a great support for some of our youngest children in the school. It is fair to say that we are already more than looking forward to becoming a full-time Year 6 and Reception buddy partnership from September!


Even with less than three weeks of the school year remaining, there really still is so much more to cram in. We will be sure to make the most of it. Enjoy your weekends and see you on Monday!



-As mentioned in last week’s blog and on Google Classroom, for the remaining weeks of Year 5, the children have been set a spelling challenge. The aim is to learn as many words as they can from a list of common exception words. The list is available on Google Classroom and the children should pick a list that they feel best challenges them. A Spelling Bee will take place during the week of Monday 10th July and the children will be quizzed only on words from the list that they have selected.