Year 6 - Autumn 1 - Week 2

Date: 13th Sep 2023 @ 10:13am


Our second full week in Year 6 is now complete! A special 'thank you' to all the parents for purchasing leavers' hoodies for the children - they look great!

In RE, we started our first unit, ‘Life as a Journey’. To begin, we reflected on what we mean by the word, ‘journey’ and considered all the different ways we can define it. We then considered how our whole life is a journey and mapped out our life journeys so far. Over the upcoming weeks, we will be exploring the different journeys others take, including those of particular religions, race and heritage and hopefully making lots of thoughtful connections.

In Mr King’s Maths group, a significant amount of time this week has also been taken up by assessments as the children have had their first practice of sitting past SATs papers. They have shown great determination and resilience throughout this process and we have been very impressed with their efforts – especially since they have just come back from their summer break and there will be content in these papers which we have not yet covered! The children were fully aware of this and know that these assessments were just to determine their ‘starting point’ for the year, as we discussed in our ‘Y6 parent meeting’ last week. Mrs Martin’s group will complete the same assessment shortly; this week, they have revised previous year group topics such as ‘place value’ and played some ‘ice-breaker’ activities to get used to the new setting.

In PE, we have continued with dodgeball (please note: ‘Fitness’ lessons will start this half-term once the weather cools down!). We have played several variations of the game to support us with making improvements on dodging, throwing and communication. It’s safe to say that the children are still enjoying this game!

Following our PE lesson on Tuesday afternoon, we took some time to evaluate our handwriting and identify our areas for improvements. Within less than an hour, we had already seen some superb transformations…now we just need to keep up our efforts!

We hope the children are looking forward to Robinwood. We have answered lots of the children’s queries regarding Robinwood in class; groups and timetables will be shared with them next week. Please ensure you have a luggage label to attach to your child’s luggage on Wednesday; there are extra labels in class and in the school office. Souvenir orders should have now been sent in so please do not make any orders next week. If your child requires any medication for the trip, please try to ensure this is handed in to Mr King prior to Wednesday morning.

A poster containing 100 recommended reads for Year 6 children has been attached to this blog. By providing 100 quality texts at an age appropriate level, this list may be useful when choosing your child's next book. We hope it inspires the children to continue on in their reading journeys whilst further encouraging a lifelong love of books and stories.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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