Year 6 - Autumn 1 - Week 4

Date: 27th Sep 2023 @ 2:06pm


Another busy week - despite some of us still recovering from our Robinwood residential!

As authors, we commenced our writing journey in Year 6 by writing a short recount from Robinwood. We imagined being back in Wrexham and how we felt as we approached our own biggest challenge there. Using a range of clauses, punctuation and vocabulary, we then created some excellent pieces of work, which the children should be very proud of. If this is what the children are already producing already, we can’t wait to see what they are creating by the end of the year!

Thursday was an extra special day as the children co-hosted an ‘afternoon tea’ for Reception parents, alongside their buddies. As always, it was so lovely to see the Year 6 children supporting their younger peers - especially during their musical performance, which was a rendition of “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” from Toy Story. We were also particularly impressed with our Year 6 pupils when they introduced their buddies and shared several facts about them with the parents. Our children spoke confidently and projected their voices clearly. Well done, Year 6!

On Friday, we attended our Harvest assembly, led by our fantastic Year 5 class at St. Peter’s Church. As well as enjoying the readings and drama performed by Year 5 pupils, we had been waiting to show off our singing and dance skills as we performed ‘Beautiful World’ and our favourite, ‘Harvest Samba’! We were blown away by the children’s confidence and enthusiasm during singing rehearsals – this bodes well for our leavers’ performances at the end of the year! In addition to our singing lessons, our brass lessons will resume from next Friday afternoon.

Of course, one of the main highlights of the week was the experience of the Big Top Circus Tent on the school field. It was great to watch it being set up during the school day on Tuesday, and of course the incredible stalls, fire show and main circus event after school. Thank you to Team TSP for organising it all.

Homework has now commenced and will be due in on Wednesday.  In Mr King’s group, Maths and SPaG tasks will be set on SATs Companion unless stated otherwise. The children have been introduced to the website / iOs application this week and are aware of how to access their homework tasks (as well as video tutorials provided for additional support). A guide for parents on how to use SATs Companion has been attached to this blog. Your child’s username is their full name with no spaces and their password is the same as their Sumdog password, which can be found on Google Classroom. Please email Mr King ( if there are any problems. There are many other useful features on the site, including a ‘Practice’ section, where the children can access videos and lessons on all KS2 objectives for Maths, Reading and Writing at any time. Please do encourage the children to use this section at home to support them with their ongoing learning in these areas.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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