Year 6 - Autumn 1 - Week 6

Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 1:07pm


Another great week in Year 6!

In Maths, Mr King’s group concluded their rounding topic before revisiting Roman Numerals. Next week, we will be moving onto decimal work and then long multiplication and long division. In Mrs Martin’s group, the children have consolidated last week's learning and also moved onto problem solving involving column addition and subtraction. Next week, they will be moving onto long multiplication as well.

On Tuesday, we celebrated Hello Yellow Day. We discussed the purpose of the day and reminded ourselves that the term, ‘mental health’ isn’t a negative concept; we can have positive mental health and negative mental health. We listed ways in which we can help improve our mood and also discussed things we may do that actually won’t help make us feel better. We also talked about things in school that may cause us anxiety, such as being told to get into pairs. We tried to unpick some of these insecurities and shared ideas as a class for how to alleviate these worries.

In PE, we developed our stamina and long-distance running techniques on Tuesday by taking part in a 15m ‘Beep Test’. This was a good opportunity for the children to develop strategies while also providing opportunities for discussions on mindset and setting personal challenges. It was lovely to see that many of the children said they actually enjoyed the test and would like to try and improve on their results next week! Following on from ‘Hello Yellow’, we also had a session with Relax Kids as part of Thursday’s PE lesson.

A huge ‘congratulations’ to our UKS2 football team, who competed in the Formby Schools Tournament this week. They played brilliantly and were excellent role models for the school - we cannot wait to see how you perform in future matches and tournaments!

The children are aware of how to access their homework for next week – either on SATs Companion or in their books. Spellings have also been set. If your child is accessing their homework through SATs Companion and needs additional support, please remind them to watch the video input first. They can also revise any topics through the ‘Practice’ section of the app / website afterwards.

Have a good weekend, everyone!