Year 6 - Autumn 1 - Week 7

Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 3:34pm


Well…we have reached the end of our first half-term in Year 6!

In Maths, Mr King’s group has focused on ordering decimals. This proved to be quite tricky at first – especially with numbers that use the same digits – but we appear to have mastered this now and even found time to move onto rounding decimals. Mrs Martin’s group have revised all of the different methods and topics they have done so far this half-term and completed some timed activities on these topics to improve their fluency further. Outside of these lessons, we were treated to a Tax Education workshop delivered by HMRC employees. They explained what taxes are, how we pay them and why. This then led to some interesting discussions on what tax laws the children would introduce and how they would divide the money between sectors.  The children also took part in the North West Sumdog Contest, where they had one week to answer 1000 questions on the iOs app. After a closely fought battle with hundreds of schools, 8pm on Thursday soon rolled around and we found out that....we won! Amazing! 255 schools, 3107 pupils and we emerged victorious. What an achievement!

Our Science lessons this half-term have seen the children learning all about the classification of living things, building on their prior understanding from their animal topic in Year 4. Over the past couple of weeks, the children have classified different animals, recapped key vocabulary such as ‘vertebrate’ and ‘invertebrate’ and created fact files about different species. This week’s lessons saw the children learning about the classification of plants and microorganisms, as well as the benefits and dangers of the latter.

We have also continued with our historical knowledge this week, focusing on WW1 and how advancements in technology and use of animals in warfare would affect British citizens during this time.

Spellings have been set for the first week back; there will be no Maths and English homework set for over the break. However, Y6’s Virtual Classroom has been attached to this blog, which includes lots of relevant links for additional learning that can take place at home.

It is hard to believe that this half-term has finally come to an end. We cannot believe just how much we have packed into these past two months, but we have had many highlights, including:

- Meeting and spending time with our buddies;
- Our Robinwood residential;
- Winning the North West Sumdog Contest;
- Bikeability;
- All the different Maths games;
- All the lessons with specialist teachers, such as Spanish, Music and even Maths (Tax Workshop);
- 4-a-day: The Friday Musical!

So much enjoyment and laughter – we can’t wait for next half-term!

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