Year 6 - Autumn 2 - Week 1

Date: 3rd Nov 2023 @ 1:34pm


Perhaps the main highlight for the children over the past week has been filming our whole-school music video for our Celebration of Kindness Week. The school has been filled with laughter as we have discussed different scenes to film, learned choreography and focused on our performing and acting skills. Our Year 6 pupils thoroughly enjoyed filming their scenes and that is certainly reflected in the video, which you will be able to watch next Friday!

In Maths, both Mr King and Mrs Martin’s group have been revising long multiplication and will be continuing with this next week. Mr King’s group will be moving onto long division next week while Mrs Martin’s group will revise particular terminology such as factors and multiples.

As artists, the children continued their learning of both World War 1 and 2 by creating their own propaganda art. They were given the opportunity to examine examples from these periods and discuss their meanings, working out the messages behind them. The children then had the task to either create their own poster or re-create an example from the past, using various media. Most children opted for pencils or paint on this occasion and the results were excellent! 

We have also started a new class novel following a very close class vote between four potential books. We will now be reading ‘George’, by Alex Gino, although the novel has since been re-published and entitled ‘Melissa’. The book tells the story of a young transgender girl and although we have only read a couple of chapters, it has already generated so much discussion on equality, diversity, stereotypes and sense of belonging. 

After all the dancing and performing this week, we hope the children have a well-earned rest this weekend!

See you all on Monday.