Year 6 - Autumn 2 - Week 3

Date: 17th Nov 2023 @ 1:43pm


What an AMAZING week it has been! 

The Year 6 class (and staff!) had some incredibly exciting days on Wednesday and Thursday…but more about that after next week!

We hope everyone enjoyed watching our Celebration of Kindness music video last weekend…particularly those Year 6 parents who also featured! It has since been a ‘celebration of kindness’ every day in class. The Year 6 children had previously discussed our school value of Nurture and how its intents are for us to be kind to each other, but also ourselves. We talked about how this was our final year of primary school and soon we would be going to secondary school, where our moods may change more frequently and we may feel like we are having more ‘down’ days as ‘moody teenagers’. As a result, we have ensured that every day this week we focused on our own wellbeing and paid extra special attention to our emotions, thinking of ways we could maintain our positivity and activities we could do to boost our mood when we are not feeling as positive as usual. Such activities have included mindfulness practice, creating gratitude journals and releasing endorphins through dance! We considered how others can affect our mood and on Friday, we had a morning of board games - thinking about we communicate each other and how we should aim to ensure everyone around us is also in a positive mood.

To be kind to those we have a responsibility of looking after, we invited our Reception buddies to create a piece of artwork with us on Tuesday afternoon, which our younger friends could then use to gift to others and spread kindness around the school.  This was a lovely activity to observe, as the children needed to guide their buddies through the task, modelling how to create colourful hearts with messages of positivity attached. All the Year 6 children were excellent role models and we are sure the Reception children are very appreciative.

In Writing, the children have finished up writing their ‘Star of Fear, Star of Hope’ narratives in their author book. As mathematicians, Mr King’s group have been working on ‘Order of Operations’ (BIDMAS) and will be moving onto percentages next week. Mrs Martin have consolidated their understanding of rounding.

The children are aware of how to access their homework for next week – either on SATs Companion or in their books. Spellings will now roll over to next week, following the rather busy week we have had! If your child is accessing their homework through SATs Companion this week and needs additional support for long division, there are support videos and websites on Google Classroom this week.

Have a great weekend, everyone!