Nursery - Spring1 - Week 1

Date: 10th Jan 2024 @ 1:11pm



Happy New Year to everyone and we hope you had a lovely Christmas. The children have returned to school with big smiles and full of excitement sharing news about their holidays.

For RE this week we welcomed Caroline into class for our first Godly Play of 2024. It was lovely to welcome Caroline as she  told  the children the story of ‘Jonah and the Whale’. Thank you so much to Caroline, the children love it when she visits us.

The children have enjoyed listening to different stories all about the ‘New Year’ and talking about how they celebrated with their family and friends. We also discussed what month the New Year starts and that we are now in the year 2024. We talked to the children about how sometimes people like to make a ‘New Year Resolution’, this means a promise for something you are going to do for the year ahead, it may be that you want to make new friends, keep your bedroom tidy or even learn a new skill such as fastening your coat or riding a bike. The children had lots of different ideas about what they may like to do.

All children across the whole school are encouraged to read each day both in and out of school. Some additional recommended Reading at Home resources can be found here

Please can you ensure your child has a warm coat, hat and gloves in school at all times and that it is clearly labelled with their name, thank you

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Molloy, Mrs Bevin and the Nursery Team