Reading at Home

All children across the whole school are encouraged to read each day both in and out of school.

We ask that parents/carers of all children read to and with their child/ren each evening for at least 10 to 20 minutes. For some children, this may be the reading scheme books whilst older and more confident readers may select from the class library. 

We encourage parents to also choose books from the ‘Pathways’ Reading Spine document produced by The Literacy Company. This is a compiled list of ten books (or authors) that every child at that stage should read. These books should inspire discussion and encourage a culture of reading for pleasure at home. They are age-appropriate in terms of their content and complexity but that is not to say that children shouldn't dip into books from other year groups, if appropriate. The most important thing is that your child enjoys what they read or have read to them. Hopefully, this list will help you both to know where to turn once one good read has come to an end. On the back of each list, you will find a series of questions linked to each of the comprehension skills above. We hope this makes it easier to know what to ask when your child reads with you. May these books take your children on some fabulous journeys! 

Parents and children are also encouraged to engage with the '100 Recommended Reads' posters for each year group that are attached below. By providing 100 quality texts at an age appropriate level, this list may be useful when choosing your child's next book. We hope that this also inspires the children to continue on in their reading journeys whilst further encouraging a lifelong love of books and stories!



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