Year 6 - Spring 1 - Week 1

Date: 11th Jan 2024 @ 11:10am

In Maths, we revised topics from last term and recapped various arithmetic methods, including fractions, percentages and decimals. We also learned about the mean and the method for finding the average of a set of numbers. We were very impressive and even managed to work out how to give the answer as a decimal when the total of the numbers isn’t divisible by the number of values we have.

Wednesday welcomed another Computing Day, this time exploring the world of virtual reality! To start the day, we recapped on our knowledge of online safety from last term; we felt this was important after Christmas, given that children may have received new electronic devices. Following recent discussions in class on diversity and representation in media, we reminded ourselves of ways in which we can have a healthy ‘online life’ and to be aware of subtle gender stereotyping and influencing we may encounter on social media. Then, moving onto our VR topic, we used the iOs application, CoSpaces, to follow various algorithms and design our own virtual reality. We had to design an aesthetically pleasing environment, including characters, as well as multiple scenes and actions. The use of audio was encouraged too! On Friday afternoon, we then presented our virtual worlds and explained the features we had included. Well done, Year 6!

As artists, we had a great lesson on photomontages. We selected images from magazines, newspapers and the Internet to experiment with composition and create interesting layouts. We had great fun showing off our creativity and creating a new image by using a combination of other images – check out Twitter for some of the finished pieces! In addition to this, we also looked at abstract art through photography. ‘Macrophotography’ was our STAR vocabulary for the lesson as we had to compose close-up photographs of a natural form – in this case, it was the inside of either a pepper or orange – and sketch the photos we had taken in a quadrant. Following our superb sketching of lizard eyes back in Autumn 1, it was fantastic to see more of the children’s drawings – this time focusing on a more specific aspect of an overall image. 

The children are aware of how to access their homework for next week – either on SATs Companion or in their books. Spellings have also been set for next week. If your child is accessing their homework through SATs Companion and needs additional support, please remind them that there are support videos attached to the tasks.  Reminder that all children across the whole school are encouraged to read each day both in and out of school. Some additional recommended Reading at Home resources can be found here.

A great first week back in 2024 – covering lots of different curriculum subjects! Have a fantastic weekend.