Clubhouse - Summer 2 - Week 3

Date: 21st Jun 2023 @ 7:49am


What a lovely week we have had in Clubhouse!

Now that it is not quite so warm, we have been making the most of going outside and getting some fresh air. In particular, the children enjoyed playing some playground games such as duck, duck, goose and stuck in the mud. They also enjoyed whizzing around on the scooters and bikes, making assault courses to complete. As sports day is looming, the children have also been practicing some of their sports day races, especially the three-leg race, everyone got involved – as well as the staff much to children’s delight.

The fun continued inside in our campsite and ice cream parlour, the children got crafty and used a variety of materials and resources to make some of their own ice creams to sell in the parlour. They looked delicious – if only we could really eat them!

The crafts didn’t stop there, the children have been putting their fine motor skills to practice and been creating some beautiful pieces of jewellery, carefully choosing and threading the beads that they wanted to make their desired effect.  

Some of the older children have decided to hold a dance competition in club over the coming weeks so have spent lots of time designing posters so that all of the children can begin to practice for the event.

In our construction area, some of the children have been using the bigger blocks to make a domino run, carefully balancing them to make sure that they didn’t all fall down before they wanted them to. They created different obstacles for the blocks to go over and under before pushing them down and seeing how far they went. It was inspired us to order some mega domino run sets to see what creations we can make.