Sports Ambassadors
The Sports Ambassadors at Trinity St Peter's are selected first and foremost for their love of sport and exercise!
Our Sports Ambassadors carry out an important role to help, support and encourage others to enjoy PE and school sport.
These ambassadors are also responsible for:
- Completing a Sports Leaders course to develop their leadership qualities.
- Meeting to discuss PE and school sport, alongside ways that we can improve participation and healthy lifestyles at TSP.
- Promoting the positive values of sport by encouraging fairness and respect in class and around the whole school.
- Promoting the positive effects sport and exercise can have on the children at TSP.
- Increasing physical engagement, lack of esteem, teamwork and ensuring all at TSP feel they are part of a group.
- Planning sessions to deliver to KS1, taking on board the sports and activities children across the school like to engage in.
- Setting up and demonstrating the use of new equipment and helping to run inter house, as well as sporting events.
- Supporting the children in EYFS in developing their movement and gross motor skills.
We are very proud of our Sports Ambassadors and their commitment to promoting sport to all at TSP.