Year Group Overviews
We are proud of the broad, rich and engaging curriculum our pupils receive here at Trinity St. Peter's.
Curriculum Statement:
At Trinity St. Peter’s, we believe in providing the very best quality teaching and learning for all of our pupils.
Aligned to our vision and values, we have created our own Teaching and Learning model which is bespoke to our school. This 4C Thinking Model ©, together with our Learning Curve, provides children with the skills and opportunities to be curious, creative, critical, resilient learners who are kind to themselves and to others so that they can be the best they can be.
We follow the National Curriculum and in addition to this, work beyond it so that our pupils access a current, relevant curriculum which contextualises the world they live in right now. We use a range of valuable and engaging stimuli including class visits to places of interest, as well as using Zoom, to further connect pupil’s learning with experts to widen their experience of the community and the wider world they live in.
This approach engages and excited learners and provides opportunities for deeper learning so that all children shine like the stars that they are in all that they do.
We are very proud of the class blogs and Instagram feed which showcase the curriculum our pupils are provided with each day to our parents and wider community.
Curriculum subject policies can be found in the policy section of the website.
The Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage can be found here