

Trinity St. Peter’s Primary School gives the highest importance to the safeguarding and welfare of children. The Governors and staff carry out their responsibilities efficiently, effectively and diligently to ensure that our school is a safe environment for children and families. Our school Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy is renewed by the Governing Body and staff annually in line with Government Guidelines.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Louisa Martin.
Deputy Safeguarding persons are Sarah Bevin and Jo Molloy.

Our Safeguarding Governor is Suzanne Farrell.

This school take safeguarding extremely seriously. Prior to employment at this school, in line with our Safer Recruitment Policy, all staff undergo rigorous, robust checks before they are appointed. 

If you have any concerns about the welfare of a child or family, don't hesitate to talk to a member of staff. If you are worried that a child may be suffering significant harm, or if you are concerned that a child has suffered harm, neglect or abuse, please follow the advice below from Sefton:

Members of the public can:

· Call 0345 140 0845 (minicom 0151 934 4657) between 8am and 6pm.

· Contact the Emergency Duty Team on 0151 934 3555 for urgent advice outside of office hours (from 5.30pm Mon to Thurs, and 4.30pm Friday and weekends)

· If you think a child is in immediate danger call for police assistance.

All staff training for safeguarding is up to date and regularly updated in line with Government Guidelines.  Records of staff training are held in the school office. 

Please follow our school 'Keeping Children Safe' page on Twitter @TSPKCS

Online Safety
Online Safety is an important part of keeping children safe at Trinity St Peter's. It covers all electronic media and we constantly strive to protect and educate our pupils in the digital world we live in. It is embedded into our school curriculum, particularly in Computing and PSHE lessons. Pupils are taught how to stay safe and behave appropriately online. Our Online Safety Page and school's Keeping Children Safe Twitter account @TSPKCS will both provide you with further information.


Operation Encompass

All schools in Sefton participate in a project, called Operation Encompass, which is run in partnership with Merseyside Police.

The project, which commenced on 6th October 2014, aims to support children who are affected by domestic abuse.

Merseyside Police will notify us early the next morning/ prior to the start of the school day should a child in our school be involved in or witness such an incident. This enables us to offer support or whatever is needed to any child arriving at school. Each school has a member of staff (key adult) who is trained to liaise with the police, when required, whilst ensuring support is available to the child. The key adult in our school is Mrs. Pringle.

We are committed to providing the best possible care and support for all our pupils. In the meantime, if you would like to speak to someone further about the project or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Prinlge via the school office.


Further information about Operation Encompass can be found clicking here.


The Prevent  Duty

From 1 July 2015 the Prevent Duty became law. This is a duty on all schools and registered early years providers to have due regard to preventing people being drawn into terrorism and other forms of radicalisation and extremism. In order to protect the children in our care, we need to be alert to any concerns about the child’s life at home or elsewhere. This includes awareness of the expression of extremist views. All of our staff receive annual online 'Radicalisation and Extremism' training. 

We fulfil this duty by teaching and promoting British Values across the curriculum. The five British Values are:

  • The rule of law

  • Individual liberty

  • Mutual respect

  • Democracy
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs 

alongside our comprehensive PSHE framework which also includes the celebration of national and international events e.g. 'Hate Crime Awareness Week'. Further information about hate crimes and ways in which we can support our children  further can be found on the 'Educate Against Hate' website.

The teaching of these British Values is echoed in our school's unique set of school values which underins all we do and also in line with the school's Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, Online Safety, Equality PolicyAnti-Bullying PolicyAnti-Racist PolicyAnti-Radicalisation and Extremism Policy, and Behaviour Policy. 

Further information for parents regarding the Prevent Strategy can be found  here and at the bottom of this page.



We believe that additional adults in school have a strong influence on further improving our children's academic and social progress. We welcome students, parent helpers, community volunteers as well as adults with particular skills or areas of expertise. We ensure that we follow procedures to keep our children safe and that all adults who come into contact with our children have appropriate checks made. All visitors are given a copy of our Safeguarding Leaflet for Visitors upon arrival at the school. Visitors who come to speak to the children also agree to and sign the Visiting Speaker's Document prior to meeting children.  Safeguarding the children in our care is always our number one priority.


Safer Sleeping Guidance

Safeguarding children of all ages is of utmost importance . The Lullaby Trust have produced safer sleeping guidance so that our littlest ones are settled as safely as possible to sleep each day.



Other Useful Links :


Sefton Local Safeguarding Children's Board

Further information regarding Safeguarding within Sefton can be sourced on the Local Safeguarding Children's Board (LSCB) website here.


CSE - Parent Online Training

Parents Against Child Sexual Exploitation (Pace) and the Virtual College teamed up to provide a short, free online course entitled ‘Keep Them Safe: Protecting Children from CSE’ designed to equip parents and carers with the knowledge to protect children against sexual exploitation.  Details are available via the following hyperlink -  online course.


Early Help 

When familes needs extra support, we want to work with them to find the best way forward as soon as possible. Families and additional professionals work together, putting the family at the heart of decisions that are made about them. Early Help supports and helps families to make problems easier to understand and quicker to solve. (Click here for further information from SEFTON Early Help team)

Further safeguarding related information can be downloaded below:

Files to Download