Global Neighbours Award
We are thrilled to announce that we have achieved Gold Award status in Christian Aid’s Global Neighbours scheme. This is in recognition for the work we have done as a whole school community to raise awareness of the extreme inequalities across our globe and perhaps more importantly, the steps we take to address these. We have taken part in Christian Aid’s scheme because it gives us a practical way of living out our school vision and values. Our world is increasingly connected and our hope is for our children to grow as responsible global citizens.
This is another fantastic achievement for the school as we are the third school in the country to have achieved ‘gold’ and the first school in Liverpool Diocese.
Any school in England can join the Global Neighbours scheme. There are three levels of accreditation: bronze, silver and gold. These are verified by Church of England Education Office assessors, who look for evidence across five areas: school leadership, teaching and learning; collective worship and spiritual development; pupil participation; and community engagement. The accreditation scheme celebrates schools that are helping pupils learn about global poverty and the Christian responsibility to tackle it, as well as giving them the tools to play a confident part in creating a fairer world.