Learning at Home

Reading is not only a key part to a child's learning at home, it is also key to a child’s success. Whilst children will read in many different forms in school each day, all of our pupils are expected to read at home each evening. We encourage parents to also read to their child in order to further develop a love of reading and literature.

In addition to this, children in Years 4 to 6 will be given a list of spellings to learn each week. Children in Years 5 and 6 will also receive Maths and Writing / Reading homework each week. 



Parents who wish for their child to extend their learning at home further, are encouraged to use the links below recommended by our teachers for each phase group. Please also recall the 'Successful Start' PowerPoint presentations for each year group (example); these are shared with parents at the end of the last academic year and again at the start of this year. 

Please also check our class blogs, which are updated every Friday and will provide detailed information on what your child has been learning that week, as well as what they will be learning in the upcoming week. At the end of every half-term, teachers also share their updated 'Virtual Classroom' on their blogs, which includes lots of useful links that will support learning in your child's year group (example).

Reading at home (all year groups)

Learning at home in the Foundation Stage

Learning at home in Key Stage One

Learning at home in Key Stage 2

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