Forest School


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'Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better’ – Albert Einstein


What is Forest School?

Forest School is an outdoor approach to learning which enables children to experience the freedom and beauty of our natural environment in the safety of our school and St Peter’s Church grounds.

Our Forest School is led by Mrs Bevin, a Level 3 Forest School practitioner.


What happens at Forest School?

Each session has a similar structure so that the children quickly become familiar with rules and routines. Each session always begins around the fire circle, where we share and discuss the Forest School safety rules. During Forest School sessions, children are encouraged to work with others to carry out activities such as den / shelter building, exploratory,  practical or creative tasks.


Forest School Equipment needed for your child

  • Wellingtons
  • All in one waterproof suit
  • Hat, scarf and gloves for colder weather
  • Jogging bottoms to be worn
  • A suitable waterproof coat
  • A spare pair of joggers, jumper, t shirt and socks to be kept in their bag at all times in case your child gets wet and need to be changed.
  • Sun hat and sun cream for warmer weather

For more information on Forest Schools visit here

