Kindness Committee

The Kindness Committee are responsible for kindness within our school and wider world. 


They take responsibility to further improve across the school: 

  • Collective worship & spirituality  
  • Courageous advocacy work 
  • Wellbeing 


They meet regularly to discuss and develop the following:

  • All classes are being kind to each other and children are being kind to themselves.
  • Share ideas and plan events, such as our Celebration of Kindness Week, so that we can continue to promote kindness throughout the year.
  • Evaluate the collective worship that has taken place that month in our classes and as a whole school. We discuss what we and our friends really enjoy in school and why, as well as share any other ways we would like to worship in the future and follow in Jesus’ example through kindness.
  • We have a key role in developing spiritual, moral, social and cultural learning through the school.
  • Discuss current issues on a local, national and global scale so that we can learn from, work with and support others around the world. We encourage children to be reflective about and responsible for their actions as good citizen as part of their courageous advocacy work.
  • Liaise with other pupil voice groups such as Sports Ambassadors as part of their Wellbeing work.