SMSC Award
We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded 'Gold' in recognition of our work in SMSC - Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural.
This is another wonderful achievement for our school - we are, again, the first school in Sefton to achieve this national award.
The report notes that there are numerous SMSC related strengths at Trinity St Peter’s C of E Primary School. The following are a few key examples:
- The obvious pride that all stakeholders have in their school.
- SMSC in embedded in your curriculum and ethos.
- Pupil Voice is ‘just a part of what you do’.
- The school’s core values are understood by all members of the school community, and consistently adhered to.
- Staff morale is strong.
- A very happy, positive, ‘thinking and learning focus’ pervades the school.
The full report can be read below: