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School Spider

Our main source of communication with parents is via the school communication School Spider.  Parents will be invited to download and log onto the app when their child enrols at our school.   Parents are kept informed by both email and by smartphone messaging which is received through the app on your device. Parents should make sure that the school office has the most up-to-date email address and mobile number before downloading the app.  Please see the Parent Guide App for assistance in setting up.

School Money / Eduspot

School Money is a modern school payment to enable us to manage parental payments. With School Money's secure online payment portal, parents can pay for; school dinners; Nursery and Clubhouse sessions; school trips and other payments remotely using the app or the website. Parents will receive a welcome message to login when their child enrols at school. For further information please see the Parent Guide.

Google Classroom

Key Stage 2 teachers use Google Classroom as a means of sharing learning materials within class lessons where required. Work is also uploaded to the Google Classroom platform in circumstances where remote learning is required for individual or groups of pupils. Parents can access a designated 'Online Reading Journal' folder to update class teachers about their child's reading progress. Weekly spellings for children to practise at home are uploaded to a designated folder too. In Year 5 and Year 6, Maths and English homework tasks may also be uploaded via Google Classroom and feedback can be provided in the comment section of each task.
A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) guide to Google Classroom is attached. 
Key Stage 1:
In KS1, School Spider is used to share important infrormation and key updates with parents. Parents can find more information on the class blog and photos on the class twitter page. 
Foundation Stage staff use Tapestry which is an easy to use and secure online learning journal. Tapestry helps staff and families celebrate their children's learning and development through sharing photos, videos and written entries. The communication between staff and parents on Tapestry helps to build a shared understanding of how children can reach their full potential. This online learning platform is also available as an app.  
Parents who are new to Trinity St Peter’s will receive an email from Tapestry with details of how to activate and access your child's account prior to your child starting school. 
A parents guide to Tapestry is attached.
Twitter and Class Blogs

Parents are kept regularly informed of their child's learning through the class blogs and Twitter pages. Class blogs are updated every Friday after school - including a summary of the learning that has taken place in that week, as well as any general reminders to be aware of for the following week. Class Twitter pages are also updated regularly throughout the week, including photographic evidence of the children's learning.


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