Nursery - Autumn 2 - Week 3

Date: 17th Nov 2022 @ 5:10pm


We have had such a special week this week celebrating Kindness week.

We started the week by reading a lovely story called 'Kind' by Alison Green. We talked about what it means to be kind and how we could be kind to others around us. We then passed a heart stone around the circle and the children said something kind about another child in our Nursery class. We then talked about how being kind can be a way of saying thank you so discussed who we could say thank you to in our school. The children then made kindness cones which were filled with lovely treats for the special people that help us at school. We also watched our amazing 'Kindness' video, well done to everyone for taking part!

On Wednesday, we had our 'WOW' service at St Peter's church. Caroline and Anne talked to us about how we can be kind to others. Thank you so much for our lovely WOW service. On Thursday, Caroline then came to visit Nursery to talk to us all about kindness. Thank you Caroline!

We have also really enjoyed taking part in Nursey Rhyme Week this week. Each day we learnt a different Nursery rhyme and took part in lots of different activities such as making paper plate fish and BINGO finger puppets. On Wednesday we went over to Forest school and practised our Forest school rules and sat all together around the fire circle. The children enjoyed exploring their autumnal surroundings and went on a hunt for different coloured leaves. To link in without nursery rhyme of the day, 'Five little speckled frogs', the children were challenged to find lots of large green speckled leaves. We then put them all together next to a log to make 5 leaf speckled frogs. We practiced singing the rhyme and acted out the frogs jumping into the pool.  

On Friday we talked about 'Children in Need' and how we raise money to help children all over the UK. We talked about how 'Children in Need' works very hard to make children smile. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend and see you all next week!

Best wishes,

Miss Dalley and the Nursery team. 


Please can the children practice zipping their coats up and putting their shoes/trainers on themselves at home?


Friday 9th December: Nursery Christmas sing-a-long (Tickets can be purchased on 'School Money')