Nursery - Spring 1 - Week 2

Date: 13th Jan 2023 @ 1:08pm



What a busy week we have had in Nursery! 

This week we have started our new theme ‘Winter’. We began by thinking about the weather and identified the signs of winter outside. The children then had to choose from a selection of different types of clothing to see which would be the most suitable for the winter weather. What fun we had dressing up in lots of winter warmers! 

The children enjoyed listening to the story ‘Winter sleep’ and we discussed what ‘hibernation’ means. We found out about some different animals that hibernate during winter and the children asked some brilliant questions just like our 'SHINE' teddy, Meta. Well done Nursery! 

Later in the week we talked about what animals and birds may visit our outdoor area which lead to a discussion about how we could encourage more birds to visit. The children noticed that we didn’t have any food outside, so we made some bird feeders by threading cheese, apple and sultanas onto a piece of wire. We then went outside and hung them in the trees in the hope that we would see more birds in our outdoor area. We then talked about what else could be done to our outdoor area to attract more birds to come, and make sure they have what they need. 

Have a lovely weekend and see you all next week!

Miss Dalley and the Nursery team



Wednesday 18th, 25th January and 8th February - Parent Teacher meetings

Wednesday 25th January – WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church