Nursery - Summer 1 - Week 5

Date: 19th May 2023 @ 8:04am

What a fun week we have had in Nursery this week! It has been so lovely to see the children running around outside in the sunshine, giggling and having fun witih their friends. 

This week our focus was ‘Planting and Growing’. The children learnt all about the importance of planting in the right way to make sure the vegetables and fruit grow as we would like them to. The children found out that plants have four specific needs being, space, sunlight, food and water. We had so much fun planting seeds that will turn into different fruit and vegetables. It was so lovely to see how involved the children were and how well they worked as a team. We cannot wait to watch them grow! Later in the week we learnt a song that helped us remember the planting and growing process. We sang along with the actions and all sounded amazing! Nursery then worked in small groups using cards to sequence the process. Well done everyone!

Outside, the children have started to notice lots of different insects; some that they haven't seen before. We got our magnifying glasses ready to go on a hunt to see what we could find. We had smiles and excitement all around!

You may also have noticed the installation of our Community Book Swap Box here at Trinity St. Peter's. This has been installed in memory of Margaret Blake, a past Governor here at TSP, who loved coming in to school and hearing children read. It is located on the wall (near the defibrillator) and the idea is for the whole community (adults and children) to use this book swap box so we can share our love for reading with all!

We hope you have a lovely weekend and see you all next week!

Miss Dalley and the Nursery team



Wednesday 24th May – WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Friday 26th May – Team TSP Mufti day – Bottles

Monday 29th May – Friday 2nd June – Half Term