Reception - Autumn 1 - Week 1

Date: 8th Sep 2023 @ 3:43pm


Wow what a fabulous week we have had! Reception, you have all been superstars. We are so proud of how well each and everyone of you have settled in this week.

We have had so much fun exploring our indoor and outdoor area and making lots of new friends. We read a lovely story called ‘The great big book of families’ and we talked about who lives in our house at home. The children then enjoyed drawing pictures of their home and family.

We had a very exciting surprise from a new friend who had visited our classroom. A little bear had left a note and a bag of clothes. He wanted us to pick a name for him and some clothes for his arrival next week. The children cannot wait to meet their new class bear, Topsy.

On Friday, the children had a fabulous afternoon playing outside with their Year 6 buddies. We can’t wait to have more fun with our Year 6 friends.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and see you all next week.

Miss Dalley and the Reception team



Friday 15th September – Dot Day – Children to come to school wearing something spotty, no school uniform needed this day.

If you have not done so already, please can all children bring a pair of wellingtons and all in one waterproof suit to keep in school.