Reception - Autumn 2 - Week 1

Date: 1st Nov 2022 @ 3:51pm




Welcome back after what we are sure was a busy but well deserved break!

This week the children were treated to a talk from one of our parents all about ‘Pumpkins’ the children learnt about how pumpkins grow, how they are harvested and the life cycle of a pumpkin. We learnt that there are lots of different pumpkins such as racer pumpkins, knuckle head pumpkins and sunbeam pumpkins. We thoroughly enjoyed this experience.

The children have also learnt about ‘All Saints day’ following on from All Hallows day. The children were presented with two identical looking bowls and had to taste what was inside them, some picked something tasty and some selected something not so nice to taste. We had great fun and the children also made the connection that just like everyone else we experience good and bad things in life. God guides us through both.

We ended the week by learning all about Guy Fawkes and the gun powder plot. The children talked about their experiences of watching fireworks and discussing different traditions they may have for example eating toffee apples. The children also talked about the importance of Firework safety if visiting any fireworks displays this weekend. The children created firework paintings and a tasty firework cake.

In Maths this week the children have been enjoying sorting dominoes into different sets. The children had to look at the different arrangements on the dominoes and then sort them into piles of 1,2 or 3. They then learnt to recognise one more and one less than numbers to 5 and comparing who has more or less.

What a very busy and excitable week we have had in Reception! Have a lovely week and we can’t wait to see what adventures take place next week.

Mrs Molloy, Mrs Bevin and the Reception team


Wednesday 9th November - Parents Phonics Meeting - Reception classroom @ 3:30pm

WOW Service 2pm @ St Peter's Church