Reception - Autumn 2 - Week 4

Date: 23rd Nov 2022 @ 7:15pm


As we come to the end of our ‘Special People’ theme, the children discussed ‘who is special?’ and ‘what makes someone special?’ The children recalled visits from Mark and Gordon, they then spent some time thinking about families. The children also enjoyed listening to ‘The Big Book of Families’ they then thought about their own families and how families were made up of different people and how all of these people are special.

In Maths the children have been learning all about numbers 4 and 5 and different ways these numbers can be made. They then enjoyed learning about 1 more and then 1 less. The children used cubes to build towers and help with their understanding, we also learnt that when adding 1 more you don’t always have to start at the number 1!

The children were very excited to visit our local Fire station on Friday afternoon. We met Fire man Mike and his team. We had a look around the inside of the Fire station and then went out side where we got to try on Fireman’s hats, sit in the fore engine and even spray the water hose! A big thank you to all of the firefighters it was such a lovely experience for the children.

The children have also been very busy learning the songs and words for our upcoming Nativity play! Thank you for helping them practise their words at home, please continue to do so.

Mrs Molloy, Mrs Bevin and the Reception team


30th November -Team TSP Present Room

2nd December – Team TSP Christmas Extravaganza

7th December – Nativity performance at 9:20am and 1:20pm

8th December – Santa Dash

9th December – Christmas Jumper / Party Day

14th December – Christmas WOW 2pm@ St Peter’s Church

Christmas Dinner

16th December – School Ends at 1pm