Reception - Summer 2 - Week 5

Date: 4th Jul 2023 @ 2:37pm


For RE this week we have continued to talk about special times especially those while we have been in Reception. The children have enjoyed practicing singing, learning lines and creating paintings to talk about at our final wow service, we can’t wait to see you there!

On Wednesday we had a classroom full of Super Heroes. The children started the day by taking part in a super hero catwalk, they showed their costume to their friends and talked about their favourite superhero. They also zig zagged under lasers and took part in web shooting practise. The children also made their own super hero vest using fabric crayons, I’m sure you will agree they looked amazing! The children particularly enjoyed decorating biscuits for our end of the day super hero snack! What a fabulous day we had!

Continuing with our ‘Superheroes’ theme. The children have spent time using images from the story ‘Supertato’ to order and retell the events that happened in the story. The children were also able to create their own ideas for the end of the story, the children always amaze us with their imagination and creativity! Well done everyone.

We also discussed with the children 5 things they would like to do together before the end of the term. As you can imagine the children had quite a long list and some of the ideas we were not able to quite carry out! After a vote the children settled for a final 5, you will have to keep a watch on our twitter page to see what these ideas are!

We wish you all a lovely weekend

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Reception team


Wednesday 12th July – Final WOW service 2pm @St Peter’s Church

Friday 14th July – Team TSP Break the rules Mufti day

Wednesday 19th July – School finish 1pm