Year 1 - Autumn 1 - Week 1

Date: 8th Sep 2023 @ 3:16pm



What an amazing start to our new school year! We have had the most wonderful few days getting to know Year 1 and our new classroom.

We have been getting settled into Year 1 by exploring our emotions, focusing on the film Inside Out! We have discussed what the emotions can look like, how they make us feel, and times when we have felt them. We have considered ways we can support each other as a class to deal with such emotions. We talked about how we go through all of the emotions throughout a week in school, with some of us having a lot of fear at the beginning of the school week, to now at the end of the week, feeling lots of joy! We understand that this is all part of starting a new class and we have lots to be excited about. We focused on our school values ‘nurture’ and ‘serve’ as the children discussed how they can spread kindness to support each other as a class team.

We have had a fantastic start to PE, focusing on fundamental skills, and practising our balancing and jumping skills in particular. We have also focused on how our bodies move differently when we change speed, we have had so much fun testing out different ways to travel around the track: like a penguin, a toy soldier, and Sonic the Hedgehog!

We have especially enjoyed our new outside area, as we have explored the different areas filled with lots to play with! We have spent time in the lovely sunshine, especially enjoying our musical area where we have performed lots of songs and dances.

It has been a pleasure to welcome the children this week, we look forward to making our learning journey an enjoyable and exciting year. Don’t forget to follow our Twitter account @Year1TSP to see our highlights throughout the week.

Well done for all of your hard work this week year 1! We hope you have a lovely weekend, we look forward to seeing you all again on Monday!

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