Year 1 - Autumn 1 - Week 7

Date: 18th Oct 2022 @ 8:57pm


Where has that half term gone?

We have had another fantastic week here in Year 1 and we have certainly ended it on a high, full of laughter and intrigue.

In Geography we finished looking at the 4 countries in the United Kingdom focusing on Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. We loved investigating their different cuisines, dances, and famous landmarks. We then investigated our local environment, look at key features on a map before identifying building as we explored.

We loved Music this week, finishing our topic ‘Rap’ with an epic rap battle! Two groups step forwarded to battle it out, reciting our song ‘Hey You!’ with some incredible dance moves to match.

In Maths, we began our new topic Addition and Subtraction focusing on how two different parts make up a whole number. We began on by getting practical, using beanbags and hoops to identify different parts and how they make our whole number. Later in the week, we use counters and part, part wholes to solve addition problems. After half term, we will continue to focus on our new topic and will begin to use a range of equipment to solve more complex reasoning and problem-solving questions.

Computing Day was a highlight of our week! We loved using the iPads to learn about online safety as well as learning new skills. We learnt the importance of keeping information private from people and how, sharing data and images online can hurt not only ourselves but others. Then we learnt about how we could communicate with other online, learning how to write an email and even sending one to Mrs Pringle!

We absolutely loved our visit from Unite, Formby for our Self-Defence session this week. It was incredible and taught us some basic self-defence skills including releases from ‘grabs’. Watch out parents!  We also loved the annual TSP Disco, with its spooky theme! The glow in the dark theme made it more exciting, it truly was an incredible event, thank you to all involved!

Attached to this blog, and also uploaded onto Tapestry, you will find Year 1’s Virtual Classroom. As well as this, should you wish to practice spellings, please find common exception words attached to this blog. Year 1 will not be tested on these spellings.

Year 1, you have been a pleasure to teach this half term and I cannot wait to see what the rest of the term, and year, has in store for us. From all of us here in Year 1, have a wonderful and restful half term!


  • School will return on Monday 31st October at 8:40am.
  • PE days will remain the same on a Wednesday and Thursday.

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