Year 1 - Summer 2 - Week 3

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 1:36pm


We've had fun in the sun again this week and have absolutly LOVED it! This weather certainly brings out the best in us.

With only four weeks left, we have got a lot to cram in! 

In Maths, we continued with our Place Value topic with a specific focus on numbers beyond 50. For this, we had to connect our learning back to Autum Term, using our understanding of numbers bonds to 10 and one more and one less to solve some tricky questions. As well as this, we learnt about the value of the two digit numbers themselves, recognising tens and ones within given numbers. All this learning had to end with an exciting game of Place Value Bingo! A highly competative version we must say! 

Our Phonics lessons got underway again this week after having a week off due to the Phonics Screen Check. This meant that all groups started new books, recapping previously taught sounds, red words and green words with a focus on reading speed and pace. After, we all created an excellent piece of writing on the chosen book. 

This week, we have also been completing a series of assessments this week in the afternoon. The focus of these assessment are for staff to understand what the children need more support on. These assessements are not shared with parents and are just for teachers. 

In PE, we continued to practice for our upcoming sports day which will take place next Wednesday. Our focus was to continue to practice our team work skills for the three legged race as well our sportsmanship for the individual races. PE didn't just stop there though, as it was National Sports Week this week, we got the equipment out at break time, playing tennis, hula hooping and skipping! 

On Wednesday afternoon, we had the most wonderful surprise, a magician came to visit! We were amazed by his wonderful performance which saw members of our class get involved. We loved having a good giggle with him and the rest of the school. Thank you so much to Mrs Pringle for organising such an incredible treat! 


  • Sports Day is next Wednesday 28th June between 1pm and 1:30pm. Please ensure that all children bring a hat to school this day as well as an additonal water bottle, where possible.
  • Summer Fair will take place on Friday 30th June, the children will attend the fair with their classes first, they will need to be picked up from their class door before returning to the fair with their parents, should parents wish too.  
  • It is incredibly warm at the moment, please can we ask ALL children to have a water bottle and hat with their each day.  
  • School will close for summer on Wednesday 19th July at 1pm.