Year 1 - Summer 2 -Week 4

Date: 28th Jun 2023 @ 8:36am



What a spectacular week we have had in Year 1, full of laughter, fun and determination! 

For the past few weeks, we have been gearing up for our favourite day of the year, Sports Day! We have been working hard to practice the different races, persevering when it got tough and working as a team as part of the three-legged race. On Wednesday, the rain held off and we pulled on our running shoes, giving the races our all. It was truly a wonderful afternoon, thank you to everyone who came to watch!

A huge thank you to Year 4 for letting us take part in their team building activities. Working collaboratively with them, we carefully navigated our marbles through their newly design marble mazes ensuring that no marbles escaped in the process! It was a lovely afternoon and we were so grateful for the invite.

The fun didn’t stop there though, with the Summer Fair on Friday, we have truly been treated this week! We had an absolute ball, stocking up on sweet treats and prizes nothing was going to dull our sparkle! A huge thank you to Team TSP for organising such a wonderful event.

We continued our reading journey in Phonics, exploring new text and developing our writing. We continue to be proud of all the children and their determination to achieve. Next week will be our final week of streaming children for this academic year, this is to allow Miss Jones to reassess all children ready for September. Therefore, can we ask that all books are returned to school by the 14th July.

In Maths, we started exploring the concept of money. We started by discussing the value of various coins and recognising, using subitising, their worth. This allowed us to understand the concept of needing more than one coin for various amounts and how we can use different variations to create the same denomination.  

Unfortunately, we will be saying goodbye today to the wonderful Miss De Haro who has been supporting us in class over the past 12 weeks whilst completing her PGCE. The children have loved having her in class an we have had many wonderful memories with her that we will cherish forever. We know that wherever she goes next, she will succeed and wish her the best for the future!


  • It is incredibly warm at the moment; please can we ask ALL children to have a water bottle and hat with them each day.
  • Please can we ask that all books are returned to school by Friday 14th July.
  • PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday.   
  • School will close for summer on Wednesday 19th July at 1pm.