Year 2 - Autumn 1 - Week 5

Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 8:22pm

Animals Geo.jpeg


What another amazing week we've had in Year 2!


We started the week with a hands-on PE lesson. We practised our hand control with balls, practised our rolling skills and then even tried our own version of bowling. I think we have some professional bowlers on our hands!


In Music, we continued our song ‘Hands, Feet and Heart’. This week, we made our song a duet! Half of the class used glockenspiels to play the backing rhythm of the song whilst the other half played the verses and the chorus. Then, we even attempted to sing along! The whole Year 2 team were super impressed with our multi-tasking and teamwork skills.


In Maths, we started our new topic of ‘addition and subtraction’ as well as revising our number bonds to 10 and 100. We started the week by looking at ‘Related Facts’ and how we could work out ‘30+70’ by knowing ‘3+7’. We then used this knowledge to look at number bonds to 100 before starting addition and subtraction problems to 20. We ended the week by adding three 1-digit numbers and using our number bonds to help us.


We loved travelling around the world and researching animals across the hemispheres. We worked in small groups to create our very own fact file of these different animals. Next week, we look forward to looking at the physical and human features from an aerial view.


Year 2 brought their reading alive during English and became Shantymen when singing their own rendition of The Wellerman. Everyone worked as a team to keep the rhythm of the sea shanty. It was extremely impressive! We then had a little boogie to it as well.  


We continued to look at more artwork created by Giuseppe Arcimboldo; this week was ‘Flora’. We explored all the flowers used in it and how it relates to spring, especially at the spring goddess Flora. After analysing and discussing Arcimboldo’s work, we had a at creating our own portrait made of leaves and flowers.


Don’t forget to follow our Twitter account @Year2TSP to see our learning highlights throughout the week.

From everyone here in Year 2, we wish you a lovely, relaxed weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday. 


Year 2 Reminders:

  • Please be reminded that snacks, if brought to school, must be healthy.
  • Don’t forget that reading folders should be returned to school on Thursdays. Please bring both books back into school, as well as spelling books.
  • Tuesday and Wednesday 11th & 12th October Parent Teacher meetings via Microsoft teams.
  • Friday 14th October – Alder Hey Pyjama Day.