Year 2 - Spring 2 - Week 3

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 1:03pm


snow day.jfif



What a busy week in Year 2.

This week, the children have worked incredibly hard to complete assessments to showcase their learning so far this year. Our school value of ‘Hope’ was achieved by all, as everyone tried their absolute best.

In Religion, we identified aspects of the Easter Story where betrayal and trust were found. We then connected our learning to our Easter Service prayers where hands can help or hinder us. We identified whether we thought hands were helping or hindering in the Easter Story. We recognised that Jesus showed helping hands by healing those around him, but Judas showed hands that hindered when he collected money from the Roman authorities to betray Jesus.

We started our new topic of ‘Mass, capacity and temperature’ in maths this week where we began by looking at grams and kilograms. Next week we will continue to look at grams and kilograms whilst also introducing volume and capacity.

In History, we explored the life of Queen Elizabeth I. We discovered that she reigned during the Tudor period and her reign was referred to as ‘The Golden Age’. We investigated her family history and found out that her dad was Henry VII.

We then got to end the week with a fun snow day where we worked as a team and used our school value of ‘Imagine’ to create our very own snowmen. Although a cold task, we were up for the challenge! We had great fun!

You have worked very hard this week, have a wonderful weekend, Year 2. 


  • Children are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school and a healthy snack for breaktime.
  • PE days remain on a Monday and Tuesday this term. Please ensure children arrive to school dressed in their PE kit on these days.