Year 2 - Summer 1 - Week 1

Date: 21st Apr 2023 @ 1:13pm


What a busy but fantastic first week back we have had! It was so lovely to see all the children back and enjoying spending time with their friends and hearing about what everyone got up to.

We have continued to develop our knowledge of fractions in Maths, looking at quarters, thirds and non-unit fractions. We now understand that the top number on a fraction is called a numerator and the bottom number is called the denominator. After identifying whether a fraction was a half, quarter or third we then discussed whether it was a unit or a non-unit fraction.

Our new book in English is ‘The Last Wolf’ which generated some discussion about endangered animals. We talked about how an animal could become endangered as well as researching some animals to create our very own ‘Animal Top Trump’ card deck. We then looked at aspects of the book where Little Red’s mum told her not to be late for tea. From this, we created our very own rule list for Little Red and how she could stay safe in the forest. We used contractions and subordinating conjunctions to make sure they were easy to follow.

In Geography, we focused on identifying the location of continents and the oceans on a world map jigsaw. We identified the equator, continents and oceans and then worked together to figure out where they should be placed. We worked really hard and our teamwork was amazing. In Science, we explored our new topic of ‘Healthy Me’ where we discussed what we need to keep us healthy. We looked at the Eatwell plate, talking about how certain foods give us energy, meaning we can keep active throughout the day. We then discussed how we also need to keep our brains healthy and identified ways we could do this through learning as well as activities that allow our brains to rest such as art or yoga.

In Religion, we began our new topic ‘Why is the church a special place for Christians?’ We discussed what we consider a special place to be for ourselves and how this is different for everyone. We then looked at the story ‘Jacob’s Dream’ and saw his special place and what this meant to him.

It has been so lovely to have you back, Year 2!



  • PE lessons take place every Monday and Tuesday.