Year 3 - Autumn 1 - Week 2

Date: 16th Sep 2022 @ 4:02pm


During collective worship assembly this week, we met Gordon from St Peter’s church and spent some time reflecting on the Queen. We enjoyed learning and singing the hymn ‘He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands’.   In RE, we began our unit "Called by God."  Our aim in this unit is to consider what it means to be called by God and the responses people have made to that call.  All of the children thought of ways they are asked to do things in their everyday lives.  Many of their answers included chores at home or helping with younger siblings.  A new star vocabulary word was introduced, as well:  Prophet.  Next week, we will be studying about different Prophets from the Old Testament and creating questions we would like to ask them.

 In Science, we have begun to explore rocks in our first unit ‘What is a rock?’. This week the children sorted rocks into natural rocks and human-made rocks. The children were excited to share stories about rocks they have found, some even with crystals inside! Next week we will start to group rocks based on appearance and physical properties. In Geography, we used atlases to locate India and discovered interesting facts about the country to begin our ‘Where Is India’ topic.  Our Art lesson linked nicely as we observed some Indian art, using view finders to focus in on the details of the paintings. We used our sketching skills to try and replicate some of the patterns and designs into our sketch books.

 In PE, we used our creative skills to show a variety of balances in gymnastics. We focused on the difference between a ‘point’ balance and a ‘patch’ balance using different body parts. As well as gymnastics, we are learning skills through netball. We particularly enjoyed learning how to pivot and use chest past.

 On Tuesday, we celebrated Roald Dahl Day by reading and writing about one of his most famous texts, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  We focused primarily on the imagery that Dahl created when Charlie first entered the Chocolate Room and saw the river of chocolate.  Everyone used this scene as inspiration to create their own room that could be found in Willy Wonka's factory and they also spent time making illustrations to match their ideas. 

 In music this week, the children all enjoyed playing rhythm games to warm-up.  It was tricky to keep a beat--especially with a slower tempo--but this is something that we will continue working on this term.  We are learning to sing the song Let Your Spirit Fly.  Our star vocabulary for music this week included verse, chorus and rest. 

 In Maths, both groups have been focusing on place value. With Mrs McRae, the children have been looking closely at the hundreds, tens and ones places.  Our learning goals focused on partitioning and also representing different 3-digit numbers using Base-10 pictures. With Miss Lucas we have deepened our understanding of tens and ones using base 10, place value charts and the part – part – whole representation. We have represented numbers on a number line and looked at partitioning numbers into tens and ones and then partitioning numbers.

 During our writing sessions, the children have looked at the book Seal Surfer. We have focused on punctuation and grammar, making sure our sentences make sense and have capital letters and full stops. The children have been encouraged to improve their sentences and edit their writing.


We hope you have a lovely, restful weekend.



  • Please ensure all uniform is labelled, so it can be returned if lost.
  • Spelling lists will be found on Google Classroom.
  • Reading records and books to come into school each day next week. A reading day will be assigned to your child for the following week.