Year 3- Autumn 2 - Week 2

Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 5:04pm


What a busy week we have had in Year 3! It was a precious moment on Friday afternoon as the whole school gathered in the hall to watch the premier of our kindness video. Every face had a beaming smile on it as they watched pupils and staff dancing and having fun.

 All of the Year 3 team were extremely proud of the children’s maturity on Friday as we laid our poppy wreath in the church grounds and observed two minutes of silence. Our Collective Worship, linked with Remembrance Day, as we thought about the sacrifices soldiers made to try and regain peace in the world.

 In RE this week, the children worked very hard to finish their unit about the Harvest.  They discussed why Christians celebrate the Harvest and what this special celebration can teach us about Christian beliefs.  Secondly, we researched how the Harvest is celebrated around the world by people of different faiths and none.  The children created a poster of four harvest celebrations that they found most interesting.  Lastly, to further our learning about other faiths, we read about Sukkot (the Jewish harvest).  Everyone designed their version of a sukkah and wrote facts about this celebration. Next week, we will begin our Christmas unit in RE.

 In Mrs. McRae's English group, the children have finished reading Hello, Hedgehog, written more facts and even created their own quiz which they used to test their friends at playtime.  Our learning outcome for this unit is a non-chronological report.  The children planned their paragraphs on Thursday and began writing their reports today.  Our learning goals are focusing on the following:  using present-tense verbiage, using different sentence starters, using the conjunction "and" and using full stops and question marks correctly.

 In Miss Lucas’ English group, the children planned and wrote a diary entry in the role of Tom, who is the young boy in the story ‘Winter’s Child’. The children included lots of grammatical features such as paragraphs, adjectives, time adverbs, conjunctions and prepositions. Dictionaries and thesauruses were used during the editing process.

 In Mrs. McRae's Maths group, we have been working on making bonds to ten to add, adding ones, and learning bonds to 100.  All of the work from our maths lessons this week can be found on the Google Classroom so if you would like to review our learning goals, then please look on your child's "Classwork" tab.  Next week, we will be learning about adding three 1-digit numbers, adding to the next 10 and adding and subtracting across a 10.  All of our work for next week will be posted on Google Classroom, too.

 In Miss Lucas’ Maths group, we have been using column subtraction, exchanging across the hundreds column. Some problems required us to exchange twice! Then, we looked at adding a 2 digit number to a 3 digit number to solve word problems, with the extra task of setting out the column addition accurately so the digits lined up in the correct columns. Next week, we will be focusing on subtracting a 2 digit number from a 3 digit number and compliments to 100.  

 We took it back to the 90s in our PE lesson this week, as we completed a circuit full of energetic exercises. We were surprised how fast our hearts were beating and how pink our cheeks were. We discussed the importance of staying hydrated and exercising safely.

 In History, we were introduced to our new topic ‘From Stone Age to Iron Age’. We had an incredible discussion about how we have the gained information about the past today. We looked closely at a timeline and investigated by finding clues about the Stone Age period from a picture. The children used excellent retrieval and inference skills to work out what life was like in the Stone Age. We also analysed whether ‘The Flintstones’ cartoon was a true representation of life in Stone Age times and shared reasons as to why the makers of the cartoon added fictional elements for the intended audience. We discussed the need to query whether evidence is true and reliable.

 In Spanish, we learnt the names of animals and looked at whether it was a masculine word or a feminine word and applied the given rules.

 In Music, we were very excited to play the glockenspiels and learnt the key ‘E’. Next week, we will learn more keys with our aim of being able to play a piece of music on the glockenspiel.

 Next week, we have Kindness Week and we cannot wait to celebrate with you.

 Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday.