Year 3 - Spring 1 - Week 2

Date: 13th Jan 2023 @ 4:31pm


 We have had a very fun week in Year 3!

 During Collective Worship this week, the children developed a definition for ‘humility’ and discussed how Jesus served others. Then, they reflected on how they serve others and recorded their ideas on hearts.

 In RE, the children began the unit called ‘Jesus, the Man Who Changed Lives’. We looked at three times in the Bible when people met Jesus and how, if at all, they were changed after they heard his message. The children seemed happy with the way Matthew and Zacchaeus changed their ways after meeting Jesus; however, they were confused by the story of 'The Rich Young Man’. They took time to reflect on the things they find important in life and how that list would change if they met Jesus. During the next few weeks, we will be studying more Bible stories where Jesus changed people's lives before and after the resurrection.  

 In Mrs McRae's Maths group, we continued our learning with multiplication and division by looking at the multiplication symbol (what it means and when to use it), writing multiplication sentences, using arrays and making equal groups by 'grouping' objects together.  You may have heard your child talk about the "silver" and "gold" papers in maths.  The questions presented at the 'silver' level are what I expect the children to achieve independently and then the 'gold' level includes questions that are meant to provide challenges on the same objective of the day, but may require some support from a teacher. Next week, we will be learning about making equal groups by 'sharing,' the two times table and doubling and halving. 

 In Miss Lucas’ Maths group, we are also focusing on multiplication and division. This week we have used the term ‘multiple’ to talk about any number which could fall into the 2, 5 or 10 x table. Then we used our knowledge of the 2, 5 and 10 x table to answer questions or investigated some ‘true or false’ statements. After this, we looked at the different methods of ‘sharing’ and ‘grouping’ when dividing. Next week, we will move on to multiplying and dividing by 3. This would be an excellent time to practises the 3 multiplication tables.

 In Mrs McRae's English group, the children have learned what a summary is and how to write one, using The Mitten as our text. Using the characters, setting, and main events of The Mitten, the children created their own version of this folktale. They have changed the setting to the sea, have chosen sea creatures as their characters, and decided on the problem and resolution on their own. After planning their original stories, they have started the writing process. Their work will be in the form of a story book--which will include illustrations--and they will be bringing these home upon completion to share with you.

 In Miss Lucas’ English group, we have delved into our new focus text ‘Stone Age Boy’. At different points in the book, we have been discussing whether it is a fiction or a non-fiction book. As a group, we have decided that it falls into the ‘historical fiction’ genre. With a focus on spelling and grammar, we have used comparative ( + er)  and superlative  (+ est)adjectives within our sentences and matched different prefixes to root words. On Thursday, we learnt how to write a ‘dialogue sandwich’ to make our narrative writing more interesting. The children enhanced their writing by including synonyms for said and adding adverbs. Th children are enjoying applying their history knowledge into their writing lessons.

 In our reading sessions, we are enjoying discovering more information about the main character in the story ‘Iron Man’. We thoroughly enjoyed listening to the description used by the author Ted Hughes and have even tried to copy some of his style in our own story writing.

We had a wonderful Thursday afternoon, learning skills for the game of dodgeball with Mr Brindley and Sports Leaders from Formby High School. On a Monday, we will be doing Outdoor and Adventurous activities with Miss Lucas in our PE slot.

 On Friday, we met Ms Hughes, who will be teaching us drumming. We impressed her with our listening skills and ability to clap a pulse and a rhythm. We enjoyed clapping the syllables in our names and using this to create a rainfall sound using different dynamics. Next week, we will all be using a drum to begin applying what we have learnt to an instrument.

Have a lovely weekend!



  • PE days are Monday and Thursday
  • Spelling logs must be in school by Wednesday
  • Please check your child's new reading day
  • Stone Age dress up day on Friday 27th January 2023