Year 3 - Spring 2 - Week 2

Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 8:13pm

                                                                  1World Book Day(1).JPG

What a week we have had in Year 3! A highlight of the week was World Book Day, where all children and staff put an astounding effort into their costumes. The children were fully engaged in our school search to find out which character had escaped from the book. After discussing the clues, the Reading Ambassadors announced our class vote as the lion and guess what …we were correct! We also joined the author, Luke Temple, online to create our very own monster characters.

 In Collective Worship, we began to discuss our new focus of ‘Forgiveness’. At first, we struggled to find an exact definition for this word, however after putting all our ideas together we now understand what it truly means. In RE, the children learnt about St David’s day and his miracles.

 In English, we focused on our class book ‘Zeraffa Giraffa’, which the children have thoroughly enjoyed. We wrote a letter pretending to be the Pasha of Egypt telling the King of France that we were sending him a special gift and we investigated STAR vocabulary such as ‘felucca’, ‘amulet’ and ‘quills’ to enable us to understand the text better. We also pretended to be the boy in the story, Atir, and wrote a good luck wish to place inside Zeraffa’s amulet. Miss Lucas has been impressed with how the children have been able to use their sound mats to decipher the spellings of words they unsure of.

 In Reading, we have started reading ‘Egyptian Cinderella’. First, we shared our expectations about the text, then we wrote down the similarities and differences that we might find in the book compared to the story of Cinderella which we are familiar with.

 In Maths, with Mrs Wall, we have focused on multiplication looking at multiples of 10, using related multiplication facts to solve larger calculations and answering reasoning questions about the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables.  With Miss Lucas, we have focused on becoming more fluent with our knowledge of the 3 x table.

 In Science, the children were introduced to forces and acted out the differences between a push and a pull. We learnt about the force of friction and were able to talk about it with our peers.

 In History, we shared what we already know about Ancient Egypt and investigated an image Miss Lucas found on the Internet to see if the evidence was reliable or not. We decided the evidence was not reliable as the picture of an Ancient Egyptian scene showed a tractor, hose pipe and measuring tape. We are really looking forward to our Ancient Egyptian workshop on Monday.

 In Music, we are learning our songs in preparation for our upcoming Easter Assembly, which will take place in St Peter’s Church on Friday 31st March. We have also practised our drumming performance, which we cannot wait to perform for you.

 This week, we marked Fairtrade Fortnight by discussing how we can have a positive impact on the climate to support the Fairtrade farmers.

  In PE, we practised our bounce, hit skills with a partner and then attempted to rally, which we thought was difficult but extremely fun. With Mr Brindley and the Sports Leaders, we completed an OAA orienteering activity searching for clues linked to Mr Brindley’s favourite book.

 With so much excitement we are definitely ready for a restful weekend!



  • Spelling logs are to be returned to class on a Wednesday
  • Ancient Egyptian workshop – Monday 6th March