Year 4 - Autumn 1 - Week 5

Date: 4th Oct 2022 @ 10:53am

Week 5 new.jpg

Year 4 have SHINED this week!

Having unpicked what our new Collective Worship monthly value of generosity is, we read the story of the Rainbow Fish. As a class, we outlined the ways in which the fish shows generosity and connected the story with our own experiences of how we share generosity in our daily lives. Taking a black and white fish, we then noted how we could add colour to the lives of others and make our world a Rainbow world. Taking on the role of David, we defeated Goliath in our RE lesson. We tennis balls at the ready, we took aim at our Goliath targets and shouted out the Christian values that David displayed when defeating Goliath.

Taking on the role of Hannah in the story ‘Gorilla’, this week we wrote diary entries to express to the reader the events leading up to Hannah’s birthday in the story. Our writing was full of fronted adverbials to specific when, where or how an event took place, and we used the first person to write as if we were Hannah. We also discovered that Macaroni makes the perfect speech marks, as we used the pasta to symbolise where speech marks should go in a sentence. Next week, we will begin to plan and write our own interpretation of the story, Gorilla. This story will include features of writing that we have focused on this term.

We revisited Roman Numerals to start the week in Maths, recapping the numeral for 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100. We were quick to discover that the sequence on numerals impacts on whether we add or take away a number. It was then time to show off our knowledge of rounding to 10, 100 and 1000, working hard to use a number line to support our thinking. We love using rhymes to help us remember facts in Year 4, why not ask us to perform the Roman Numerals song or even our handy rounding rhyme at home. Next week, we begin to look at adding and taking away numbers and the formal methods we can use to support our calculations.

Lots of strategic work in Basketball this week, as we played using just one basket for both teams to shoot in. We had to work hard to activate our ball whenever we intercepted it. In swimming, we continue to thrive, practising a range of strokes and developing our breathing technique when swimming longer distances. Vertebrates and Invertebrates were the focus in Science, as we categorised different animals to show whether they are an animal with or without a backbone.

To celebrate Black History Month, we focused on Martin Luther King and watches his ‘I Have a Dream’ speech. We then created dreams of our own, to ensure our future world is peaceful and full of equality. Year 4 certainly have showcased our school value of Enjoy this week. We were thrilled to start our Mini Marathon, in support of the incredible people who ran the London Marathon. Even after 4 laps, we were still determined to keep going and run some more!

We hope you have a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday, Year 4!



- The Year 4 virtual classroom can be found on Google Classroom and is attached to this blog. This outlines additional learning and links to websites we use in school, that your child can engage with at home.

- Year 4 PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child arrives to school wearing their PE kit on these days.

- As the colder weather sets in, please ensure your child brings a coat to school.

- Details on how to access your Parent-Teacher Meeting will be sent on Monday 10th October.