Year 4 - Spring 1 - Week 3

Date: 20th Jan 2022 @ 8:12pm


We can’t quite believe it’s Friday again! Time sure does fly when you’re having fun!

Year 4 were set a task this week to reflect on their understanding of Wisdom, take inspiration from the wise people we have been thinking about and instill wisdom into their everyday lives. With this challenge in mind, the children have been using their judgements to choose right and wrong in different situations and sharing their knowledge with others to help them make wise choices. In RE, we focused on how artists portray that Jesus has authority in a range of pictures and paintings. We identified that Jesus is always illustrated higher above other people in the artwork, surrounded by light and quite commonly with his hands reaching out.

Using a checklist to ensure we have all elements needed, we created sentences including speech to show what the characters in our story ‘Escape from Pompeii’ might be saying to each other. We had to remember to always start our speech with a capital letter and include punctuation before closing the speech. It was great to hear how many variations of the word ‘said’ we could identify to make our speech sentences just that little more exciting to read. We then used a range of words to describe the mood in different points of the story and planned a diary entry to sequence how the eruption of Mount Vesuvius unfolded. Next week, we are going to include speech when writing diary entries and continue to include fronted adverbials to help sequence events in time order.

In Maths, we have learnt how to use a caterpillar to find factors of a number and factor pairs. We loved drawing our own caterpillars and finding out how many legs they had, represented by the factors of the number in the caterpillar head. We also met four new friends, who each showed us a written method to support us in completing multiplication calculations. In Year 4, we are proud to be independent learners and pick the most efficient method we like to use to help us. 

In our spelling lesson this week, we used pyramid writing and played an odd one out, to practise some tricky words. We loved quizzing our friends to find the correct spelling, amongst some red herrings. We also had so much fun in Science, investigating how sound travels through solids, liquids and gases. I’m sure we will have lots of Year 4 pupils testing how good their family’s hearing is! 

With a focus surrounding volcanoes, we completed illustrations in Art to symbolise a dormant and an active volcano. The colour choices were important, to clearly show the activeness of the active volcano.. Yes you guessed it, lots of yellows, oranges and reds were used! Not to forget the fun we had in Music, as we continued to learn our new song ‘Stop!’ which reminds us of the importance of kindness and stopping bullying. Our favourite part of the song has to be the rap in the middle!

This month's top book picks from 'Love Reading' have been released today. It shares exciting new story books from a variety of authors for different age ranges. 

Year 4, you have worked your socks off this week! We hope you have a wonderful weekend!



-Parent-Teacher Meetings on Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th January, via Zoom.

Meeting ID: 954 0343 0490           Passcode: TSP

-Children should be ready at home daily and those reading on the school book band should return their books every Monday to school to be changed.

-Children are encouraged to bring in a healthy snack to school for breaktime and a water bottle.