Year 6 - Autumn 1 - Week 7

Date: 18th Oct 2022 @ 11:55am


Well…we have reached the end of our first half-term in Year 6!

On Monday, we had an incredible opportunity to ‘Zoom’ with Holocaust survivor, Hedi Argent. Having heard about the treatment of the Jewish community during WW2 this half-term, the children were very excited about the prospect of speaking to somebody who lived during this time and already had plenty of questions they wanted to ask before the session even started! Hedi was so fantastic in sharing her story, including how life was for her as a Jew in an Austrian school in the 1930s and how her family sought refuge in the UK after Kristallnacht. She also shared life lessons she had learned around inclusion and kindness, which still stand today. 

Our Science lessons this week have seen the children learning all about the classification of living things, building on their prior understanding from their animal topic in Year 4. So far, the children have classified different animals, recapped key vocabulary such as ‘vertebrate’ and ‘invertebrate’ and created fact files about different species. Friday’s Science lessons saw the children learning about the classification of plants and microorganisms, as well as the benefits and dangers of the latter.

In PE, we saw the return of a firm favourite: Kinball. On Thursday afternoon, the children took part in a match - refereed by some of Formby High School's Sports Leaders. A great time was had! Also, a special 'well done' to those girls who represented the school in a football tournament on Thursday after school. Once again, they represented the school well and managed to pick up a couple of victories over different schools. 

Many of the children were particularly excited on Thursday as it was the 'Glow in the Dark' disco organised by Team TSP. Lots of singing, dancing...and lots of sweets! It was a great way to end our first half-term back after the summer holidays.

Spellings, which the children will be tested on in the first week back after half-term, are available on Google Classroom. No specific Maths or SPAG homework has been set for over the half-term break however October’s virtual classroom has been attached to this blog – should the children wish to consolidate any learning.

It is hard to believe that this half-term has already come to an end. Our ‘Choose Wisely’ topic linked to the film, Encanto, seems like so long ago. We cannot believe just how much we have packed into these past two months, but we have had many highlights, including:

-Meeting and spending time with our Reception buddies;
-Our Robinwood residential;
-Winning the Sefton Sumdog Contests;
-All the different Maths games;
-Our WW1 & WW2 History topics;
-Taking part in a virtual workshop led by National Holocaust Museum;
-Zooming with a Holocaust Survivor.

We are sure next half-term will be just as busy!

Have a great half-term break everyone!

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