Year 6 - Summer 1 - Week 5

Date: 18th May 2023 @ 10:39am


Lots of subjects being taught this week - while still fitting in more post-SATs celebrations!

As computer scientists, we enjoyed some coding practice this week through our ‘Computing Day’. On Monday, we explored the game, Crossy Roads, thinking carefully about its features and what makes it a good game. We were then introduced to the iOs app, Hopscotch to allow us to explore some of our STAR vocabulary: event, command, loop, random and range. Following this, we had apply our knowledge by using the app to create our own version of Crossy Roads. All the children were able to do this successfully, with some even managing to set various levels of difficulty and additional levels fo their game!

As mathematicians, we embarked on a rather exciting venture…designing a theme park! Throughout the week, the children had to work together in small groups to design the layout of their park based on the costings of amenities and ride types and ensuring they meet all health and safety requirements, such as including the minimum number of toilets and park benches required. They also had to apply their mathematical knowledge by calculating the running and advertising costs and – from there – deciding on entrance admission fees to ensure they make a profit! 

Towards the end of the week, the children presented their ideas, including posters and trailers, and were assessed on their creativity, likelihood of success and business acumen. The children have absolutely LOVED this project and it has been a joy to see them so enthusiastic about completing each task – whilst learning new vocabulary such as ‘marketing’, ‘revenue’, ‘expenditure’ and ‘profit’! 

In History, we have commenced our new topic on ‘Crime and Punishment’, exploring broad trends from the Roman period to society today. Although our original goals this week were to learn about some common trends and have time to independently research crime and punishment from our chosen period, our first lesson involved us discussing crimes we are aware of today and methods of crime prevention, which then actually led to more of a PSHE lesson on how we should stay safe in the community. All the children and staff were very open in sharing experiences and knowledge and we feel it was definitely a worthwhile discussion!

Elsewhere, we have continued with our Spanish lessons, this week combining our previous topics of ‘sport’ and ‘clothing’ to learn how to explain the clothing of different athletes! In PE on Thursday, we had a carousel of ‘tri golf’ activities, kindly set up for us by our Y6 Sports Leaders.

Finally, on Friday, we had our second post-SATs celebration in school! This time, the children came into school in their own clothes to be greeted with large ‘2022’ balloons, treats and music before being informed that an inflatable obstacle course had indeed arrived on the school field and they had exclusive access to it all day! We had a wonderful time as a whole Year 6 team.

You may also have noticed the installation of our Community Book Swap Box here at Trinity St. Peter's. This has been installed in memory of Margaret Blake, a past Governor here at TSP, who loved coming in to school and hearing children read. It is located on the wall (near the defibrillator) and the idea is for the whole community (adults and children) to use this book swap box so we can share our love for reading with all!

A special ‘well done’ to our boys’ football team, who competed in a very tough match against St Luke’s Primary School. Mr McCabe was very impressed with the positive attitude and skill on display!

Have a fantastic weekend!