Year 6 - Summer 1 - Week 6

Date: 26th May 2023 @ 10:51am


Attending the opening of a new restaurant; a little bit of golf and some tennis in the sun…it’s been a very ‘Formby’ week!

Perhaps the main highlight of this week has been our writing focus, which has been writing a review. On Monday, we discussed why, when and how we use reviews before considering how you would word positive and negative reviews of the witch’s cottage in the story of ‘Hansel and Gretel’. On Tuesday, the children came to school and discovered that their classroom has been transformed into a new restaurant called Bar 23. They were shown to their tables, waited on by the staff and ordered food and drink from the menu. Each child’s experience was unique to say the least! Some had a great time while others were left feeling dissatisfied and underwhelmed. Once the children ‘left’ the restaurant, they had to rate their experiences and write up a review of this new establishment. The children thoroughly enjoyed this short writing unit and it has certainly been reflected in the reviews they have written. For some children, this has been their best piece this year!

Our ‘crime and punishment’ topic in History has also continued. The children learned about trends during many different periods: Roman, Tudor, Victorian and Early Modern.  They were then given the opportunity to focus on a period that interested them most and carry out their own research into crimes and punishments at that time. Their next lesson involved them reading the tale of Robin Hood, which enabled them to think creatively and critically about the justice system at this time. 

‘RSE Week’ has brought us lots of new information, questions and certainly some (possibly  awkward) laughter along the way! On Thursday, as a whole class we recapped on our RSE lessons from last year and recalled the changes our bodies will go through during puberty; however as we discussed these in our gender groups last year, this week we were able to learn about and have empathy for what the opposite gender will experience. This created lots of questions from the children, which were easily explained through the brilliant ‘Kay’s Anatomy’ book by Adam Kay. (Please note: as per message sent to parents, the relevant chapters of this book can be found on Google Classroom.) Throughout the rest of the day, we discussed peer pressure and consent; personal hygiene and where you can go for support. The children participated in these lessons with great enthusiasm and maturity; we are very proud of how they conducted themselves.

In Art, we explored how artists use different perspectives and media when creating various pieces. On Tuesday, we had an enjoyable afternoon focusing on our own artwork linked to ‘landscape’ – as you will be able to see on our Twitter feed.

Our PE lessons this week have continued with ‘tri golf’ on Monday and tennis on Thursday. The children competed in mini-matches in both sports, enjoying the sunshine outdoors while doing so. We have been impressed with the improvements the children have made in both areas. Also, a special ‘well done’ to those children who competed in the cross-country events this week. We were very impressed with the children’s enthusiasm and perseverance!

Have a great half-term break, everyone!