Reception Team: Miss H Dalley (Class Teachers) & Miss V Andrews
and Miss L McCoy: Blog items

Reception - Autumn 1 - Week 1

Date: 8th Sep 2023 @ 3:43pm


Wow what a fabulous week we have had! Reception, you have all been superstars. We are so proud of how well each and everyone of you have settled in this week.

We have had so much fun exploring our indoor and outdoor area and making lots of new friends. We read a lovely story called ‘The great big book of families’ and we talked about who lives in our house at home. The children then enjoyed drawing pictures of their home and family.

We had a very exciting surprise from a new friend who had visited our classroom. A little bear had left a note and a bag of clothes. He wanted us to pick a name for him and some clothes for his arrival next week. The children cannot wait to meet their new class bear, Topsy.

On Friday, the children had a fabulous afternoon playing outside with their Year 6 buddies. We can’t wait to have more fun with our Year 6 friends.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and see you all next week.

Miss Dalley and the Reception team



Friday 15th September – Dot Day – Children to come to school wearing something spotty, no school uniform needed this day.

If you have not done so already, please can all children bring a pair of wellingtons and all in one waterproof suit to keep in school.

Reception - Summer 2 - Week 7

Date: 14th Jul 2023 @ 4:43pm

We cannot believe it is the end of summer term in Reception class and the end of our second year teaching most of the class.

We would like to say we have had a truly amazing year and are incredibly proud of all the children in Reception, each one of them have demonstrated our school values and are shining bright as they move into year 1.

A big thank you also for all your kind gifts and support this year, we hope you enjoy a well-deserved summer break and look forward to seeing everyone in September.

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Reception team


School Starts Monday 4th September 23

Reception - Summer 2 - Week 6

Date: 11th Jul 2023 @ 1:58pm



We cannot believe it is our last full week in Reception!

For RE we attended our very last WOW service, this is an opportunity for all of the children to be involved with the service and reflect on their time in Reception. We were very proud of each and everyone of the children who spoke confidently and sang beautifully. We would also like to thank Caroline and Anne for all of their hard work and support during the year.

On Monday we had a very special Forest school celebration. Mrs Bevin made a fire in our outside area and we used special extendable forks to make our very own ‘S’mores’. We had to carefully remember our forest school rules what a truly amazing experience and a special treat.

We have also been set some Superhero missions this week that we have chosen to accept! These challenges included writing our own story to read to the class at the end of the day, colouring our Superhero characters carefully and Superhero counting. Well done Reception!

We have also enjoyed carrying out our 5 activities before we finish for summer. The children have certainly enjoyed playing on the field, visiting the Ice-cream station, playing in Clubhouse, enjoying hide and seek and ending the week with a movie day whilst enjoying pom bears, what a treat!

Please also find a copy of the ‘Successful Start’ information slides to help with a smooth transition into Year 1. There is also attached a vistual clasroom with some links you may find useful for Year 1 over the summer. We hope these provide you with lots of helpful information and answer any questions you may have.

We wish you all a lovely weekend

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Reception team



Wednesday 19th July – School finish 1pm

Reception - Summer 2 - Week 5

Date: 4th Jul 2023 @ 2:37pm


For RE this week we have continued to talk about special times especially those while we have been in Reception. The children have enjoyed practicing singing, learning lines and creating paintings to talk about at our final wow service, we can’t wait to see you there!

On Wednesday we had a classroom full of Super Heroes. The children started the day by taking part in a super hero catwalk, they showed their costume to their friends and talked about their favourite superhero. They also zig zagged under lasers and took part in web shooting practise. The children also made their own super hero vest using fabric crayons, I’m sure you will agree they looked amazing! The children particularly enjoyed decorating biscuits for our end of the day super hero snack! What a fabulous day we had!

Continuing with our ‘Superheroes’ theme. The children have spent time using images from the story ‘Supertato’ to order and retell the events that happened in the story. The children were also able to create their own ideas for the end of the story, the children always amaze us with their imagination and creativity! Well done everyone.

We also discussed with the children 5 things they would like to do together before the end of the term. As you can imagine the children had quite a long list and some of the ideas we were not able to quite carry out! After a vote the children settled for a final 5, you will have to keep a watch on our twitter page to see what these ideas are!

We wish you all a lovely weekend

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Reception team


Wednesday 12th July – Final WOW service 2pm @St Peter’s Church

Friday 14th July – Team TSP Break the rules Mufti day

Wednesday 19th July – School finish 1pm

Reception - Summer 2 - Week 4

Date: 27th Jun 2023 @ 2:26pm


What a fabulous week we have had, the weeks really are flying by!

For RE this week we have started a new theme all about special times. We began our session thinking about what we mean by ‘special times’, the children talked about holidays and birthdays. We then began to reflect on our school year and the special times we have had together. The children have made a list of their favourite special times and we will then talk about these in our final WOW service.

On Wednesday we had the best time for Sports day, we were glad the rain stayed away and we could take part in our races! We are very proud of them all and their sportsmanship.

Continuing with our ‘Superheroes’ theme. The children have enjoyed re-telling the story of ‘Supertato’ using a variety of different vegetables. They have been able to also think about healthy and unhealthy food; the children sorted a variety of different foods as talked about why we need to eat lots of fruit and vegetables and not as many sweets and sugary drinks. The children have also talked about the different activities they would like to take part in for our superhero dress up day!!!!

We hope you enjoy visiting our summer fair, look out for us on the bouncy castle!

We wish you all a lovely weekend

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Reception team



28th June – 4th July -  Scholastic Book Fair

Wednesday 5th July – Super hero dress up day

Wednesday 12th July – Final WOW service 2pm @St Peter’s Church

Friday 14th July – Team TSP Break the rules Mufti day

Wednesday 19th July – School finish 1pm

Reception - Summer 2 - Week 3

Date: 20th Jun 2023 @ 1:19pm



Well we can’t believe how quickly the weeks are flying by!!

For RE this week we have enjoyed Caroline visiting us for Godly Play. Caroline continued with the theme of ‘Prayer’ and discussed the Pretzel prayer and how when you look at a pretzel it can remind us of crossed arms in prayer. Caroline then shared pretzels with the children as they all said a prayer together.

We continued with our theme of ‘Superheroes’. This week we have loved the story of ‘Supertato’ and on Monday we discovered some frozen peas in blocks of ice with letter asking us to help them escape! The children then enjoyed using warm water and salt to help the peas escape, the children had so much fun! The children have also enjoyed making pictures of the Evil Pea and writing wanted posters to help catch him. On Tuesday, we received a parcel and letter from Supertato with his book for us to read.

What a wonderful time we had at Martin Mere, the children were absolutely amazing and such a shining example for our school. The children were so excited to go on the coach and have been excited for weeks. On arrival; our first stop was to take part in a ‘Pond Explorers’ workshop, here we used nets to see what we could find living in the water. We then had time for our wild walk and then we were off to lunch followed by a minibeast hunt! The children loved exploring the play area before it was time to head back to school! We are sure the children slept well because we certainly did!!

Enjoy the weekend and see you Monday!

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Reception team


Wednesday 28th June – Reception Sports Day @ 9.30am on the school field.

                                     WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s church

28th – 30th June – Scholastic Book Fair

Friday 30th June School Summer Fair

Wednesday 5th July – Super hero dress up day


Reception - Summer 2 - Week 2

Date: 14th Jun 2023 @ 9:29pm



We hope you all had a fabulous weekend and are enjoying the sunshine!

For RE this week we continued to learn about our theme of ‘Prayer’. We learnt about how we can use our hand to help us to pray using each finger for a different meaning, for an example the thumb because it is closest to you when you look at your hands reminds us to pray for people we love. The children then enjoyed drawing around their hands and talking about the ‘five finger prayer’.

We are loving our theme of ‘Superheroes’. This week we watched a short film about 10 rules of a superhero, we then asked the children to think about if they could have a super power what their superpower might be and why they would like to have that power. The children described to their friends how they would use their powers, what fun we had!

We have also spent the week thinking about Father’s Day and the special father figures in their life. We made a card and a special gift to share with our Father’s / father figures and talked about what makes them so special.

We have also taken advantage of the lovely weather this week and enjoyed lots of water play, watering our plants and cold ice pops for snack!

We wish you all a lovely weekend!

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Reception team



Please ensure all children have a sunhat, sun cream and a filled water bottle in their bag daily.

Wednesday 21st June – Class trip to Martin Mere

Wednesday 28th June – Reception Sports Day @ 9.30am on the school field.

                                          WOW service 2pm @St Peter’s Church

Friday 30th June – Summer Fair

28th – 30th June – Scholastic Book Fair

5th July – Super Hero dress up day

Reception - Summer 2 - Week 1

Date: 7th Jun 2023 @ 9:31am



We hope you all had a fabulous half term and all ready for a fun packed final half term in Reception!

For RE this week we have started to think about Prayer. We began our session thinking about when we pray and prayers that we knew. We then looked at lots of different objects we may use to help us pray, such as rosary beads and holding crosses. We talked about the Lords prayer and how he taught this to his special friends ‘The Disciples’ in case they did not how to pray or what to say.

On Monday we enjoyed our first visit of the half term to ‘Forest School’, we have so much fun and just love visiting our forest school site each week. This week we spent some time exploring the changes in the environment and then went on to use some of the natural resources around us to create faces on the trees, if you pass forest school see if you can spot any of the faces!

We were very excited to start our new theme ‘Superheroes’. The role play has been turned into a superhero headquarters, where the children have had the opportunity to dress up as a superhero and think about what the role of a super hero is. The children have enjoyed thinking about what makes a superhero and if they know any superheroes? The children also enjoyed thinking about if they were a superhero what super powers would they have and why? We look forward to seeing where our learning will take us!!!

As we finished for half term our caterpillars had changed into beautiful butterflies and out tadpole had grown legs and changed into a frog. The Birds nest has four chirping chicks in and we have enjoyed watching the parents gathering food and listening carefully to chirping they make!

We wish you all a lovely weekend and continue to enjoy the sunshine!

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Reception team


Tuesday 13th June – TSP Father’s Day Present Room

Wednesday 21st June – Class trip to Martin Mere

Wednesday 28th June – Reception Sports Day @ 9.30am on the school field.

28th – 30th June – Scholastic Book Fair

Reception -Summer 1 -Week 6

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 4:12pm


Well we cannot quite believe we are approaching half term!

For RE this week we enjoyed visiting St Peter’s Church for our WOW service. Caroline and Anne talked about how the church is a special place. The children always love visiting church and for the Reception class 2 more before we finish for the summer.

On Monday when we took part in Forest school in our outdoor area and replanted our sunflowers into our garden. We also talked about what we need to do to care for our plants and checked on the plants that have started blooming too. What great fun we had!

This week we have enjoyed learning all about ‘Ladybirds’. The children have enjoyed painting different types of Ladybirds, making ladybirds out of playdough and also trying to find them in our outside area. The children learnt that Ladybirds lay their eggs in clusters or rows on the underside of a leaf, so also spent time looking under the leaves to see if they could find any ladybird eggs.

We are also very excited about the bird’s nest in the outdoor area and have been thinking about different ways we can help the mummy bird. The children decided they would like to leave water for the bird over half term so she can have a little drink if she needs it. Keep checking on Twitter as we will keep you updated when the eggs hatch.

We wish you all a lovely weekend and a fabulous half term!

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Reception team


Monday 5th June return to school

Reception - Summer 1 - Week 5

Date: 17th May 2023 @ 8:11am


Well these weeks are truly flying by! The children are having so much fun and particularly enjoying spending time outside exploring the world around them.

For RE this week we have continued with our ‘Special places’ theme. The children really loved sharing their pictures of special places and discussing why these places were so special. The children had lots of interesting questions to ask each other, this also let us to think about Church as a special place to visit at times when we want to feel close to Jesus, although we did realise that we don’t always have to go to church to feel close to Jesus.

During Forest School, Reception enjoyed listening to the nature sounds around them and looking up to see what they noticed. We talked about how there were no clouds, the sun was shining, the leaves were different and how the trees connected in some parts of our Forest School area and so it was cooler in those parts.

This week we have enjoyed learning all about ‘Caterpillars’, we have been really lucky to have Caterpillars in the classroom, and for a few weeks we have watched them grow and get bigger. Finally, they are ready to go into their cocoons, so we are just waiting to see how long before we get beautiful butterflies. We have thought about what Butterflies may like to eat and have tried to plant different things in the outside area to attract them. We have also enjoyed lots of different activities around the classroom and particularly making our own butterfly prints and using new vocabulary like ‘symmetrical’ when discussing the patterns on the Butterfly wings.

You may also have noticed the installation of our Community Book Swap Box here at Trinity St. Peter's. This has been installed in memory of Margaret Blake, a past Governor here at TSP, who loved coming in to school and hearing children read. It is located on the wall (near the defibrillator) and the idea is for the whole community (adults and children) to use this book swap box so we can share our love for reading with all!

We wish you all a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday.

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Reception team


Wednesday 24th May – WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Friday 26th May – Team TSP Mufti day – Bottles

Monday 29th May – Friday 2nd June – Half Term

Reception - Summer 1 -Week 4

Date: 10th May 2023 @ 9:39pm



What an amazing weekend of celebrations for the King’s Coronation, we have loved hearing all of the different ways you have celebrated.

We loved welcoming Caroline into class for Godly play, she started to talk to the children about special places and the importance of the church and why this is a special place. The children love it when Caroline visits and we look forward to seeing her soon.

This week we have loved learning all about ‘Dental Health’ we talked about experiences of visiting the dentist and why it is important to look after our teeth. On Wednesday were lucky to have a visit from a local dental practice, they talked all about how to keep our teeth clean, gave us some facts about our teeth and what foods are good for our teeth and ones we should avoid or have a little at a time. We also took part in a colouring competition and four of our friends won prizes for their pictures. We all took home a goody bag for us to use at home this included a toothbrush, timer, disclosing tablet, toothbrushing chart, book and stickers!

We have also taken part in lots of Dental Health activities around the classroom, these included brushing away the plaque, flossing and sorting food that is good and bad for our teeth.

We wish you all a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday.

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Reception team


Wednesday 17th May – Class Photographs

Friday 19th May - Team TSP Mufti day – Rainbow goods

Wednesday 24th May – WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Friday 26th May – Team TSP Mufti day - Bottle

Reception - Summer 1 - Week 3

Date: 2nd May 2023 @ 10:18am


We hope you all have had a fabulous bank holiday weekend and are ready to celebrate the King’s Coronation with another Bank holiday weekend ahead!

We have continued to enjoy talking about ‘Friends’ for our theme in RE. This week we looked at and explored different symbols of friendship. The children looked at the claddagh symbol; a native America symbol of friendship and also friendship bracelets. The children all enjoyed making a friendship bracelet for a friend in the class.

This week we have had so much fun learning all about ‘King Charles’ and his Coronation. We realise this is such a big event for the children and have celebrated it across the week by carrying out lots of different activities as we wanted to make this as memorable as we could for the children. The children began the week by discussing what we knew about King Charles and what the word ‘Coronation’ means. The children have enjoyed making their own golden coach, decorating crowns and even making their own King out of lollypop sticks. With the help of team TSP, some of the children have also had the opportunity to create a special coronation build a bear. We ended the week by having a special Coronation picnic with our Nursery friends in the outdoor area! What a truly special week we have had.

We wish you all a lovely weekend celebrating the King’s Coronation and we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Reception team


Wednesday 17th May – Class Photographs

Friday 19th May - Team TSP Mufti day – Rainbow goods

Reception - Summer 1 - Week 2

Date: 26th Apr 2023 @ 1:09pm


What a lovely week we have had together in Reception. The children are certainly learning lots and having fun!

This week at Forest school the children have continued to think about Earth day, the children recalled that one of the ways we can help our planet is to collect rubbish. The children used the special litter collecting resources gloves, litter picking poles and bags, they then spent time on our Forest school area collecting rubbish, the children were amazed to see how much rubbish there was! Well done Reception.

We have continued to enjoy talking about ‘Friends’ for our theme in RE. The children enjoyed listening to the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’. Together we discussed the different events of the story and thought about if Rainbow Fish had been a kind friend? This linked beautifully to our school value of Nurture and reminded us to be kind to others and yourself and one of the ways we can do that by sharing our resources and toys.

The children began our new theme for the half term ‘Growth and Change’ by learning all about Frogs. We were super excited when Mrs Bevin brought some frogspawn into school for us to observe, she had found it in her Dad’s pond! We began the week by discussing what we know about Frogs and completed a class circle map, we could not believe how much we had learnt when we added to this our circle map on Friday!

We wish you all a lovely weekend and the sun shines for the Bank holiday

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Reception team


Monday 4th and Monday 8th May - Bank Holiday

Wednesday 3rd May - Scootering Event– Please wear Trainer



Reception - Summer 1 - Week 1

Date: 19th Apr 2023 @ 9:55pm


Welcome back after our Easter break, we hope you had a lovely time together and cannot believe we are starting our Summer Term.

This week at Forest school the children have been spending time in our outdoor area. They have been weeding the planters and preparing it so we can plant some vegetable seeds to grow! The children have also been looking for signs of spring and that Summer is on the way. We love noticing the changes in the different seasons

On Wednesday it was our WOW service, this week Anne and Caroline talked about the importance of Friendship and that Jesus has 12 special friends he called the Disciples. Back in school the children loved talking about who their friends were and all of the things they think make a good friend.

The children have also spent some time learning all about ‘Eid’, the children learnt that Eid Al-Fitr means ‘the feast of breaking the fast’, is a celebration that happens when Ramadan ends. We also talked about how we know that Eid Al-Fitr is here when we see a new crescent moon in the sky. The children have also enjoyed making special Eid decorations and recalling previous learning about Ramadan.

On Friday the children enjoyed listening to the story ‘Someone Swallowed Stanley’ as we celebrated ‘Earth Day’. We learnt that Earth Day was started to encourage people around the world to think and learn about what we can do to look after our planet. We discussed ways we can help look after our planet, the children decided with the help of an adult we will try and pick up one piece of litter a day, we will try and recycle materials where possible and then to end our session we all planted our own seeds. We will keep you posted with how they grow!

What a very busy first week back!

We wish you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Reception team


Reception - Spring 2 - Week 6

Date: 29th Mar 2023 @ 1:09pm


We simply cannot believe it is Easter already!

This week at Forest school the children found 5 little chicks, the Easter chicks had left a message for the children asking them to make nests for them to lay their eggs in. The children enjoyed creating small nests for the chicks and then sang five little chicks. What a lovely time we have had this term at Forest school!

On Wednesday it was our Easter Bonnet and WOW service. The children paraded to church wearing their bonnets and enjoyed singing songs to their family and friends. Anne and Caroline also told the Easter story. Thank you both for your hard work.

We continued our learning all about Easter back at school. The children enjoyed listening to the Easter story and talking about how they celebrate Easter at home.  They also enjoyed sequencing pictures from the story to make their own Easter Story Book.

On Thursday the children shone brightly as they performed ‘Annie’ for you all in the school hall. Our heart was bursting with pride as each and everyone of them enjoyed every minute. We would like to thank Mrs Whitehead from Formby High who has worked really hard with the children to put this dance piece together. Also, a special ‘Thank you’ to Olivia also form Formby High for taking on the role of Miss Hannigan.

We wish you all a restful and enjoyable Easter. We can’t wait to see what the summer term brings.

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Reception team


Monday 17th April – Back to School

Wed 19th April – WOW Service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Wed 19th April @ 3.20pm in the Reception classroom – Reception Foundation Stage Profile Briefing

Reception - Spring 2 - Week 5

Date: 21st Mar 2023 @ 4:05pm



The children had their final visit from Caroline as part of our Lent programme. Caroline talked to the children about the meaning of Easter and told them the Easter story. A big thank you to Caroline for all you do and the children have thoroughly enjoyed you visiting each week during this Easter season.

This week the children have enjoyed learning all about ‘Ramadan’ and the religion of ‘Islam’. The children discussed how followers of Islam are called Muslims, and that Muslims believe there is one true God called ‘Allah’. We also learnt that ‘Ramadan’ is a period of fasting not eating or drinking during daylight hours. The children also enjoyed looking at similarities and differences between the Muslim faith and the Christian faith, there were more than you would think!

The children have also been working very hard practicing for their performance of Annie next week, we are sure you cannot wait!

We hope you have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Reception Team


Wednesday 29th March – Easter Bonnet parade at WOW St Peter’s church @2pm

Thursday 30th March – Dance Performance 9:00am School Hall

Please make sure your child has a pair of pyjamas in school in a clearly labelled plastic bag.

Friday 31st March – Finish for Easter 1pm

Reception - Spring 2 - Week 4

Date: 14th Mar 2023 @ 3:19pm



WOW! Reception you are simply AMAZING!!!!!

The children have continued to enjoy Caroline visiting the class for our journey through lent. This week she …

On Wednesday we celebrated British Science Week, Reception completed the experiment ‘Worrying Wiggly Worms’ from Roald Dahl’s 'George's Marvellous Medicine'. We couldn’t believe it when the worms started to wiggle when they were added to the vinegar!

As it is Brain Awareness week, we have enjoyed learning all about the brain. We discussed where the brain is located, what we need a brain for and how we keep our brain healthy. We then had lots of fun making a brain headband to remind us of the fascinating facts we have learnt.

On Friday, the children were very excited to invite their Mums, Grandmas and carers into the school hall to perform for Mother’s Day. The children enjoyed performing their special songs, showing paintings of their Mums and saying why they love them. The children also presented daffodils at the end. We do hope you enjoyed the performance as much as the children and we wish you all a relaxing Mother’s Day!

See you all on Monday.


Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Reception Team


Wednesday 22nd March - Health Screening Check

Wednesday 29th March – Easter Bonnet parade at WOW St Peter’s church @2pm

Thursday 30th March – Dance Performance 9:00am School Hall

Friday 31st March – Finish for Easter 1pm

Reception - Spring 2 - Week 3

Date: 7th Mar 2023 @ 1:02pm



WOW! The weeks are flying by, Reception you keep on amazing us with your thirst for knowledge and excitement to learn

The children have continued to enjoy Caroline visiting the class for our journey through lent. This week she continued to talk to the children about how Jesus wants us to make good choices.

We have enjoyed continuing to learn about ‘Animals from around the world’. This week we have learnt about animals from South America, we talked about where South America is and enjoyed finding this on our world map. We discussed the type of weather in South America and the different animals you would find living there. We also enjoyed playing a game of ‘What am I?’ where the children had to listen to 3 clues and see if they could guess the animal. What great fun we had!

This week we have also enjoyed listening to the story ‘Pablo the Banana’, linked to Fairtrade fortnight. The children discussed what the word ‘Fair’ meant, the children then spent some time looking at different food packaging to see of they could find the Fairtrade logo. Well done Reception great work!

See you all on Monday.

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Reception Team


Friday 17th March - Mother’s Day assembly 2:30pm in the school hall

Wednesday 22nd March - Health Screening Check

Wednesday 29th March – Easter Bonnet parade at WOW St Peter’s church @2pm

Thursday 30th March – Dance Performance 9:15am School Hall

Friday 31st March – Finish for Easter 1pm

Reception - Spring 2 - Week 2

Date: 27th Feb 2023 @ 7:54pm


Well done Reception you truly are superstars! What a fabulous week we have had.

The children have continued to enjoy Caroline visiting the class for our journey through lent. This week she talked about when Jesus was in the wilderness and spent special time with God, thinking about making good choices. We look forward to seeing Caroline again next week.

We are continuing to thoroughly enjoy our Forest school, we enjoyed recapping over signs of Spring and naming the parts of the different plants we have found. We were able to use magnifying glasses to look closely at plants identifying the different features we could see with our friends.

We have enjoyed continuing to learn about ‘Animals from around the world’. This week we have learnt about animals from North America, we talked about where North America is and enjoyed finding this on our world map. We discussed the type of weather in North America and the different animals you would find living there. We also enjoyed thinking about the word ‘habitat’ and what this means.

It was so exciting on Thursday as we celebrated World Book Day. The children looked amazing and enjoyed a fun packed day. The children were treated to ‘Trinity Cinema’ by Mrs Molloy, Miss Andrews and Miss Dickson, as they acted out the story of ‘The Lion and the Mouse’. The children then enjoyed making Lion masks and mouse puppets so they could also re-tell the story. The children also enjoyed taking part in a world book day catwalk and talking about the character they were dressed up as.

Have an amazing weekend and see you all on Monday.

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Reception Team


Friday 17th March Mother’s Day assembly 2:30pm in the school hall


Reception - Spring 2 - Week 1

Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 3:39pm


We hope everyone had a lovely half term and are ready for the fun that lies ahead as we run up to Easter.

The children attended our WOW service on Wednesday where Caroline and Anne talked to the children all about Lent as we celebrated Ash Wednesday. Many thanks to Caroline and Anne for their continued support. We then had another visit from Caroline on Thursday as part of our Godly Play, the children learnt more about the significance of Lent and the importance of Easter.

On Tuesday the children were treated to Pancakes as part of their snack, they were able to decide which yummy topping they would like and then we voted to find out what the favourite topping was for the whole class. The children also enjoyed listening to the story ‘Mr Wolf’s Pancake’.

We began the week with the transformation of our role play into a safari jeep with explorer resources, as this half term we will be learning all about ‘Animals from around the world’. This week we began our journey in Africa, the children looked where Africa was on the world map and then learnt about the animals that live there. We particularly enjoyed exploring the different habitats that the animals live in. We can’t wait to see where our learning takes us next week!

Yoto is the official partner for World Book Day this year! Their aim is to bring more ways to read for children and families through audiobooks. They can help more children access books and stories, and give all families new ways to have story and reading time together. They will be making a selection of audiobooks available for free via the Yoto App (app available for free on AppStore and GooglePlay) and will be donating £1 from the sale of selected Yoto Cards to the World Book Day Charity.

A range of free audiobooks are also available on the World Book Day World of Stories page.

What a busy and exciting first week back! Enjoy the weekend and we will see you Monday.

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Reception Team


World Book Day Thursday 2nd March – Please come to school dressed as your favourite book character and also bring your story book with you if you have it.

Reception - Spring 1 - Week 3

Date: 17th Jan 2023 @ 4:21pm


What a very busy week we have had!

For RE this week we continued with our theme of ‘Stories Jesus Heard’ by reading the children the story of ‘Jonah and the Whale’, we discussed how is is important to listen to listen to others and to carry out taks we have been asked to do. The children then enjoyed creating their own whale pictures.

The children began the week with Forest school and we certainly did need our wellies and warm clothing! The children were given the task of collecting together natural materials they could use to help make a snowman from flour! The children were split into groups, given a small bowl of flour and were asked to use natural resources to create their own snowman, the children were very proud of their creations.

Continuing with our ‘Winter’ theme children began the week by exploring Arctic animals. They enjoyed looking at the different animals we have in our block play and then sorting those arctic animals from the others. The children were also challenged with writing facts about these animals in our writing area. We enjoyed learning about Eskimos and how now they may live in more modern homes but they may also live in Igloos, the children then enjoyed the challenge of using sugar cubes to create their own Igloos!

We look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Mrs Bevin and Mrs Molloy and all of the Reception Team


Wednesday 25th January and 8th February - Parent Teacher meetings

Wednesday 25th January – WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Reception - Spring 1 - Week 2

Date: 11th Jan 2023 @ 4:38pm


What a very busy week we have had!

For RE this week the children enjoyed exploring our chatterbox, this was full of lots of different items linked to  our new theme ‘Stories Jesus Heard’. The children enjoyed discussing what types of stories they thought Jesus would have listened to when he was little and which are their favourite stories.

The children began the week with a visit to our Forest school site and we certainly did need our wellies and waterproofs! The children were given the task of using a checklist to look for different signs of winter, we had great fun working with our partner to find them!

As part of our theme ‘Winter’ the children have enjoyed a variety of different stories with our favourite being ‘A thing called snow’ by Yuval Zommer. We talked about the types of clothing we may wear in the winter and then how they are different to the clothes we wear in summer. The children enjoyed sorting different clothes and talking about why they would or would not wear them in the winter.

To end the week, we enjoyed listening to some classical music ‘Vivaldi’s Four Seasons’ winter section. We recalled our visit to forest school and discussed how trees look during the winter season. While listening to the music, the children were encouraged to sketch the bare winter trees, and what a great job they did! We certainly do have some budding artists in the class.

We look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and all of the Reception Team


Wednesday 18th, 25th January and 8th February - Parent Teacher meetings

Wednesday 25th January – WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Reception - Spring 1 - Week 1

Date: 4th Jan 2023 @ 7:48pm

Spring 1 week 1.JPG

Happy New Year to everyone and we hope you had a lovely Christmas. The children have returned to school with big smiles and full of excitement sharing news about their holidays.

For RE this week we loved learning all about ‘Epiphany’ and the end of the Christmas season. The children enjoyed the story ‘We Three Kings’ by Rosie Greening and looking at different images of the kings which we then tried to draw. We reflected on the importance of the star that guided the King’s to baby Jesus, and then enjoyed creating our own star to display in the classroom.

The children also enjoyed listening to different stories all about the ‘New Year’ and talking about how this is celebrated. This brought us to thinking about New Year’s resolutions and our hopes and dreams for 2023. The children were able to write these down and we will reflect upon them through the year.

On Friday afternoon, we were fortunate enough to take part in an interacting Judo assembly. The instructors showed us a range of holds and moves and were delighted to learn that this could be an option for some of us in the coming weeks.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you all on Monday.


Mrs Bevin and Mrs Molloy and all of the Reception Team

Reception - Autumn 2 - Week 7

Date: 12th Dec 2022 @ 10:03am


Reception we can not believe it is the end of the first term, what a wonderful time we have had. We have had a lovely week making cards and gifts for family and everyone is very excited.

The children have had a fun packed final week, it began on Monday with a ‘Movie Afternoon’ and refreshments were provided for the children by Team TSP. We always love to get together with our house teams and Tuesday was no different, the children competed against each other in a house team sing off. It was tremendous fun.

We continued to think about Christmas and how it is a time we celebrate Jesus’ birthday. The children also enjoyed attending our Christmas WOW service on Wednesday where they gave another fantastic performance. Thank you to Caroline, Anne and Gordon for all their help and support this year.

On Wednesday, we had a visit from Santa’s Elves they danced outside the classroom and left each of us a special candy cane. What a lovely treat.

This week the children have enjoyed learning about the Christian tradition of a ‘Christingle.’ The children talked about symbolism of the Christingle and then enjoyed creating their own Christingle to take home. The children continued with the Christmas theme by listening to the Nativity Story. We then thought about the true meaning of Christmas and if they were to visit Baby Jesus what would they take as a gift? This led to a very interesting discussion about what a gift was and how something as simple as a smile of a hug could be a gift and that Jesus was a gift from God.

Can you hear the ring of jingle bells? Love Reading 4 Kids have released their mid-December newsletter. There's still time to order your Christmas books; their Christmas Gift Guide is full of festive treats for all ages, and you can also find more ideas for your perfect presents in their round-up of the best fiction and non-fiction books of 2022. 

We would like to thank you all for your kind wishes, cards and gifts and we wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Mrs Bevin and Mrs Molloy and all of the Reception Team


Please also find a copy of our virtual classroom attached for next half term

Return to School Wednesday 4th January 2023

Reception - Autumn2 - Week 5

Date: 30th Nov 2022 @ 8:27am



We were so excited to start our new theme ‘The Jolly Postman’, we have enjoyed exploring the role play area and even had a visit from Mrs Howell who delivers the post to school each day. The children are going to enjoy listening her talk about her job and all of the different letters and parcels she has to deliver. We also enjoyed listening to the story and beginning to think about what it would be like to be a post person. We were inspired by the theme and wanted to send letters to friends, we began by writing a letter to the fire station to say ‘Thank you’ to them for taking the time to show us around the fire station last week.

The children had a lovely surprise on Thursday when an Elf appeared in our classroom. We were so excited to welcome the Elf and quickly named him ‘Tinsel’. Each day he has brought a gift of a book to the class that we have enjoyed sharing at the end of the day. 

We have also been lucky to have a visit from a Police Man Tim, who came to talk to the children about his job and also about ‘Stranger Danger’. The children were able to ask lots of questions and even try on some uniform.

The children have been working incredibly hard learning songs and their words for the Nativity, we cannot wait for you to see it as we are sure you are going to love it!!

Have a lovely weekend and keep practising the lines for next week.

Mrs Molloy, Mrs Bevin and the Reception team


7th December – Nativity performance at 9:20am and 1:20pm

8th December – Santa Dash

9th December – Christmas Jumper / Party Day

12th December – Christmas Movie Afternoon

14th December – Christmas WOW 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Christmas Dinner

16th December – School Ends at 1pm