Nursery Team: Mrs S Bevin (Class Teacher) & Mrs J Molloy (Class Teacher) and Mrs D Grayson, Mrs L Kinnear & Miss O Greenwood: Blog items

Nursery - Summer 1 - Week 3

Date: 4th May 2022 @ 5:12pm



What a mer-mazing time we have had in Nursery this week!

We have continued to learn about ‘Under the Sea’. We enjoyed learning all about ‘Mermaids’, we were very excited to discover a letter from Merissa the Mermaid who needed our help. She had lost her scales from her Mermaid tail and needed our help to find a suitable material to make new scales. What fun we had experimenting with lots of different materials we even received a reply from Marissa thanking us for our help! We also enjoyed listening to the story ‘Julian is a Mermaid’ by Jessica Love, this beautiful story allowed us the opportunity to talk about objects and activities that we value the most and how we would feel if we were not allowed to enjoy them or do these things anymore?  Whilst playing outside we learnt to play a super game called Mermaid dash.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team


Please send into school a clearly labelled sun hat and sun cream

17th May – Bag to School 9am

Nursery - Summer1 - Week 2

Date: 26th Apr 2022 @ 2:12pm


Phew what a busy week we have had!!!

On Wednesday we attended St Peter’s Church for our WOW service, this week Caroline and Anne told the story of ‘The Road to Emmaus’, and talked about friends and how Jesus is everyones friend. Thank you both for your hard work!

Using the book ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ as a stimulus, we have also continued to learn about  ‘Under the Sea’. This week we enjoyed learning all about ‘Octopus’, we took part in a groovy Octopus dance and even created a large Octopus in our classroom, did you know that Octopus had three hearts? The children also enjoyed taking part in a special ‘Under the Sea’ PE lesson where they moved like different sea creatures, swimming as fast as a Dolphin was one of our favourites!

On Thursday morning we were treated to a PE session led by Liam from Ultimate Kids sports club. The children enjoyed moving around the field in lots of different ways, ending the session by pretending to be frogs and jumping over Lilly pads. Thank you to all involved we certainly did have a fabulous time.

We hope you all enjoy the bank holiday weekend!

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team


Please send into school a clearly labelled sun hat and sun cream


Nursery - Summer 1 - Week 1

Date: 21st Apr 2022 @ 3:32pm

Week 1.JPG

Welcome back to our first week of the summer term and we hope you all had a lovely Easter break. We would also like to welcome some new children to our Nursery class; they have had the best week and settled in beautifully!

This week we have loved being back with our friends having lots of fun! We have also enjoyed starting our new theme ‘Under the Sea’ we began by discussing what the children thought lived under the sea and how they know these things. They enjoyed talking about their experiences of going to the beach and paddling in the sea, The children particularly enjoyed using blue, green and white paint to explore the different colours they could make, this will be the fabulous back ground for our under the sea display.

Love Reading have chosen their 'top book picks' for April and May. More, highly-rated children's reads, from a variety of authors for different age ranges, are shared with us all to enjoy.

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team


Wednesday 27th April - WOW St Peter's Church @2pm

Nursery - Spring2 - Week6

Date: 30th Mar 2022 @ 8:48pm


We can not believe it is Easter already!

This week at Forest school the children found 5 little ducks, the Easter ducks had left a message for the children asking them to make nests for them to lay their eggs in. The children enjoyed creating small nests for the ducks and then sang five little ducks. What a lovely time we have had this term at Forest school!

On Thursday it was our Easter Bonnet and WOW service. The children paraded to church wearing their bonnets and enjoyed singing songs to their family and friends. Anne and Caroline also told the Easter story. Thank you both for your hard work.

This week we have loved learning all about Easter. They enjoyed listening to the Easter story and talking about how they celebrate Easter at home.  The children learnt all about the significance of hot cross buns, we talked about how the bun signifies the end of Lent and that the cross is to signify Jesus died on a cross. They enjoyed tasting hot cross buns and singing along to the song ‘Hot Cross Buns’.

On Thursday afternoon the children were shocked and excited to find two Easter Bunnies in our outdoor area, they played in the sand pit, climbed on the pirate ship and even rode on the bikes.  

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team


Tuesday 19th April – Back to School

Wednesday 27th April - WOW service 2pm @St Peter's Church

Nursery - Spring 2 - Week 5

Date: 23rd Mar 2022 @ 10:50am


Simply WOW, Nursery you are amazing.

On Wednesday, the children were very excited to invite their Mums, Grandmas and carers into the Nursery class to perform for Mother’s Day. The children have been busy rehearsing a special dance to the song ‘Mamma Mia’, we are sure they blew you away with their amazing talent of fantastic dancing and singing. They also enjoyed performing their special songs and presenting daffodils at the end. We do hope you enjoyed the performance as much as the children and we wish you all a relaxing Mother’s Day!

The children were very excited to welcome Caroline to the class on Thursday as she came to deliver her Godly Play all about Easter. Thank you Caroline for all of your hard work and we look forward to seeing you at our Easter wow service next week.

This week as part of Forest School, we enjoyed working together in groups and creating shelters so we can take cover from the spring showers if we need too.

We have also continued to learn all about spring, following on from our visit to Windmill Farm the children have enjoyed talking about the different animals they saw. This led to us learning all about animals and their babies, we played a special game where we had to name the different baby animals, and it was great fun! We also talked about the seasonal changes in nature, described the weather associated with spring, found out about how the day length varies and learnt about spring around the world. What a busy week!


Don’t forget the clocks ‘spring forward’ this weekend and we hope you have a lovely peaceful and relaxing Mother’s Day,

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team


Wednesday 30th March – Parent Teacher Meetings in school hall

Thursday 31st March – WOW service and Easter Bonnet Parade 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Friday 1st April – Term Ends 1pm


Nursery - Spring 2 - Week 4

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 12:56pm


What a very exciting time we have had in Nursery this week!

On Wednesday, there was a great buzz of excitement as we embarked on a school trip to Windmill Farm, what a truly amazing time we had. The children enjoyed seeing lots of different animals as well as feeding the lambs,  handling the guinea pigs and petting the snake and Gecko and finally high fives from the tarantula. We even went on a train ride! A big thank you to all of the parent helpers, we could not have managed without you. Windmill Farm commented on how well behaved the children were and look forward to welcoming us back in the future. Well done children you truly were amazing!

This week we have celebrated British Science week, the focus for this year is ‘Growth’. To start the week during ‘Forest School’ the children became ‘Plant detectives’, we  talked with the children about where they could search for plants, encouraging them to think of unusual places to look, when the children finished hunting, they talked about what they had discovered. They enjoyed thinking about how the plants got to their different locations. The children also completed a ‘Handy Gardner’ activity, in this fun activity, the children made their own handy glove greenhouses! They decided which seeds they were going to use in their glove. Carefully they popped in the seeds and watered the cotton wool. The gloves were placed onto a window. The children are spending time each day observing the plants, they will discover how seeds germinate and seedlings grow.

Finally, on Friday the children celebrated ‘Red Nose Day’, there were many different activities for the children to take part in from keep the red nose in the air to pin the red nose on the teacher! Lots of fun was had by all. If you would like to donate to Comic Relief you can do so via this direct link


We hope you all have a lovely sunny weekend,

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team


Wednesday 23rd March – Mother’s Day Assembly 2:30pm Nursery Classroom

Wednesday 23rd and Wednesday 30th March – Parent Teacher Meetings in school hall

Thursday 31st March – WOW service and Easter Bonnet Parade 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Friday 1st April – Term Ends 1pm


Nursery - Spring 2 - Week 3

Date: 9th Mar 2022 @ 7:58pm


What a very busy week we have had!

This week we continued our ‘Pirates’ theme based around the story, ‘Pirates are coming’ by John Condon.  We talked about how if you saw a Pirate you may need to hide from them, the children thought about places they like to hide and enjoyed a game of hide and seek in our outdoor area! We also thought about the different features of a pirate ship for example sails, anchors, telescopes gangplank then using large cardboard boxes the children worked as a team to create their own pirate ship. What a great job!

On Tuesday as we celebrated International Women’s day, we enjoyed the story ‘Girls can do anything’ by Caryl Hart. The children talked about how everyone is equal and you can do anything if you put your mind to it! We also discussed if we thought that everyone in the class was treated the same if they were a girl or a boy, the children agreed that everyone has the same opportunities in class and this is how it should stay.

In preparation for our trip to Windmill Farm next week and linked to National Careers week, we were very lucky to speak to Farmer Tilly, she works on a Dairy farm in Gloucestershire. Farmer Tilly was able to talk to the children about life on a Dairy farm and also how she decided she would like to be a farmer. The children enjoyed asking many questions, we are even more excited for next week now! Thank you, Farmer Tilly.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team


Wednesday 16th March - Trip to Windmill Farm

Wednesday 23rd March – Mother’s Day Assembly 2:30pm Nursery Classroom

Wednesday 23rd and Wednesday 30th March – Parent Teacher Meetings in school hall

Thursday 31st March – WOW service and Easter Bonnet Parade 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Friday 1st April – Term Ends 1pm

Nursery - Spring 2 - Week 2

Date: 2nd Mar 2022 @ 2:18pm


What a very exciting and busy week we have had! Nursery you truly are little superstars.

This week we continued our ‘Pirates’ theme based around the story, ‘Pirates are coming’ by John Condon.  On Friday we found a message in a bottle, it was from the Pirates!  The Pirates told us that they were on their boat and they were coming! The children talked about how Pirates would communicate or send messages to each other. One way we talked about was the message in a bottle and another way discussed was using paper cup phones, we had great fun exploring the paper cup phones and exploring how sound travels, we also used large cardboard tubes to talk and listen to each other!!

On Tuesday we enjoyed the story ‘Mr Wolf’s Pancakes’ and then had a visit to our very own Pancake Café. We loved tasting the Pancakes with lots of different toppings. The children have also enjoyed using Pancakes to paint and print with, as well as making their own pancakes from playdough and listening to the story of ‘The Runaway Pancake’.

Thursday was World Book Day; the children looked fantastic in their costumes -  well done everyone! The children were treated to a performance of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ from the Nursery team, the children really enjoyed Trinity theatre and drinking hot chocolate while watching the show. The children also took part in a catwalk where they got the chance to show off their costume to friends and talk about their favourite book. What a fabulous day! The children have also enjoyed taking part in virtual author activities through the week, on Monday we enjoyed ‘A Pocketful of Songs’ presented by Julia Donaldson and finally on Friday we enjoyed ‘Drawalong’ with Onyinye Iwu !

What a very busy week we have had, we hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team


Wednesday 16th March - Trip to Windmill Farm

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Nursery - Spring 2 - Week 1

Date: 23rd Feb 2022 @ 11:06am

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We hope you all had a lovely half term holiday and my what a windy start we have had to this week!

This week we began our new theme ‘Pirates’ based around the story, ‘Pirates are coming!’ by John Condon. The children could not believe their eyes when pirates visited the classroom and left them a trail of clues to find the treasure and join the pieces together revealing the front cover of the story! The children have also enjoyed bringing into school a small egg box with their very own treasures hidden inside. They were very excited to show and talk about their treasures with their friends. There have also been many different pirate themed activities around the classroom. The children have loved playing with our Pirate small world and even making a pirate face using a paper plate and different craft materials. They then created a pirate name to match their pirate picture!

On Wednesday, the children headed to Forest school. This week the children enjoyed exploring the outdoor classroom looking for signs of spring. The children noticed lots of different flowers and were able to talk about the different parts of a flower. The children were very careful where they walked as we discussed the importance of not trampoling on the plants as they start to grow!  Don’t forget to keep your eye on twitter for updates from our Forest school adventures!

On Wednesday, we went to St Peter’s Church for our WOW service. Caroline and Anne led this, they talked all about the meaning of Lent. Thank you both for your hard work. Please note the next WOW service will be Easter Bonnett on Thursday 31st March.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team


Thursday 3rd March – World Book Day

Wednesday 16th March - Trip to Windmill Farm

Nursery - Spring 1 - Week 6

Date: 9th Feb 2022 @ 1:46pm


Well we can’t quite believe it is half term. What an amazing few weeks we have had!

This week has been all about spreading love and happiness linked to Valentine’s day, we listened to the story ‘Guess How Much I Love You?’ and discussed who we love and how we show them we love them. This also linked to children’s Mental Health week, during snack time the children have talked about how they are feeling, we also discussed how it is good to talk to each other about our feelings.

This week for Forest School, the children worked in groups and created a heart using lots of different natural materials they found. Each group’s heart looked fantastic! There have also been lots of other love themed activities happening around the classroom, they have made Valentine’s cards, love bug biscuits and even made different love potions in the water play. The children have made their own heart from clay and added a smaller heart in the middle using their thumb prints, they look amazing and we hope you like them!.

On Tuesday we celebrated Safer Internet day by listening to the story ‘Digi Ducks Big Decision’ and discussing how we must stay safe online and who we tell if we have a problem. If you would like any further information about this please see our Online Safety section of the school website or click here

Love Reading have launched their 'top book picks' for this month. More, highly-rated children's reads, from a variety of authors for different age ranges, are shared with us all to enjoy.

We have also updated our virtual classroom for next term, which is attached below.

Have a fabulous half term and we can’t wait to have more adventures together after the holidays.

Mrs Bevin, Mrs Molloy and the Nursery team


Half Term Monday 14th – Friday 18th February

Wednesday 23rd February – WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Thursday 3rd March – World Book Day


Nursery - Spring 1 - Week 5

Date: 2nd Feb 2022 @ 2:26pm



WOW, the weeks are flying by in Nursery. We cannot believe it is February already and nearly half term!

On Monday, the children headed to Forest school. This week the children hunted for the characters of the story in their favourite houses. We then retold the story of the Gruffalo using the characters, using repetitive phrases and language from the book. What great storytellers we had! The children have continued to retell the story of ‘The Gruffalo’ using the story tuff tray. 

We have also celebrated Chinese New Year, there were lots of different activities for the children to take part in throughout the week. As it is the year of the Tiger, they had the opportunity to create their own tiger pictures. There was a Chinese banquet, where the children tasted different Chinese food including spring rolls and vegetable rice. The children baked moon cakes, learnt how to write Chinese numbers and even took part in a movement and dance related to Chinese New Year! What fun we have had learning about this celebration.

This week we have also celebrated 'National Storytelling Week'. The children enjoyed listening to favourite stories, choosing their own books and sharing stories with their friends. It is lovely to see how much the children are immersing themselves with books and developng a love for reading! Well done Nursery.

Have a fabulous weekend,

Mrs Bevin and Mrs Molloy


PE will continue to take place on Tuesday's after half term.

Half Term Monday 14th – Friday 18th February

Wednesday 23rd February – WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Nursery - Spring 1 - Week 4

Date: 26th Jan 2022 @ 6:27pm


What a busy week we have had!

On Monday we put on our puddle suits and wellington boots and headed to Forest school. When the children arrived they discovered a letter, it was from ‘The Gruffalo’! He had set them the challenge of finding jigsaw pieces within the wood which when put together they made the front cover of the book. The children then listened to the story of ‘The Gruffalo’ whilst they sat around the fire circle. Don’t forget to keep your eye on twitter for updates from our Forest school adventures!

The children have continued to enjoy exploring the story of ‘The Gruffalo’ back in class. On Tuesday the children discovered paw prints on the playground. When they investigated they discovered there was a small world area for them to play with while re-telling the story. The children have also made their very own Gruffalo paws from rice crispies, talked about the different characters from the story and even created a flow map whilst they retold the story to their friends.

On Wednesday we went to church for our WOW service where Caroline told us the story of Daniel and the Lion’s Den and the children thought about a time when they had been brave.  A big thank you to Anne and Caroline for all your hard work.

Have a fabulous weekend,

Mrs Bevin and Mrs Molloy


Half Term Monday 14th – Friday 18th February


Nursery - Spring 1 - Week 3

Date: 19th Jan 2022 @ 5:21pm



What a fantastic time we have had in Nursery this week!!!

On Wednesday, we went to Forest School. Dressed in their waterproofs and wellies the children walked to Forest school, this takes place in the grounds of St Peter’s church. The children went over our rules for Forest school, revisited our ‘1, 2, 3 where are you?’ game and we also did some Winter maths challenges.

The children have also continued with our ‘Winter’ theme. There was a particular interest in Penguins so we waddled like a penguin to lunch (which was incredibly funny) and took part in a penguin themed yoga session during PE. We also looked at videos of Penguins and watched how they moved;

We have continued to share stories about hibernation and talked about what it meant for the different animals.

On Thursday afternoon Caroline joined us for Godly Play. She talked to Caroline talked about being baptised. Caroline had a traditional christening gown and was able to show the children several things used in a Baptism for example oil and how it is used to make the sign of the cross. Caroline brought a portable font with her so that  the children take turns Baptising a doll. 

This month's top book picks from 'Love Reading' have been released today. It shares exciting new story books from a variety of authors for different age ranges.

Have a fabulous weekend,

Mrs Bevin and Mrs Molloy


Wednesday 26th January – WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Tuesday 25th – Thursday 27th January – Parent Teacher meetings

Nursery - Spring 1 - Week 2

Date: 12th Jan 2022 @ 5:49pm


What a very busy week we have had in Nursery!!!

On Monday afternoon the children enjoyed their very first visit to Forest school. Dressed in their waterproofs and wellies the children walked to Forest school, this takes place in the grounds of St Peter’s church. The children were introduced to the rules of Forest school and enjoyed playing a game of 1,2,3 Where are you? Keep your eye on twitter for more Forest school updates!

The children have also started their new theme ‘Winter’. They enjoyed listening to the story ‘Winter Sleep’ and discussed ‘Hibernation’ and what this means for different animals. The children were also encouraged to think about the different birds they see in our garden. The children noticed that not many birds visit our garden and thought this may be because there is not any food for them to eat. They decided to make bird feeders hoping to attract different birds to the garden. We also talked about bird hides and how these are used as a quiet place to watch the birds from. Using the different materials around our outdoor area the children went on to create their own bird hide. I wonder which birds they will see? If you spot any birds in your garden at home please send us a picture via tapestry.

Please also can you make sure your child comes to school with a hat, scarf and gloves if possible. If your child could also practice putting these on and taking them off it would be a great help.

Have a fabulous weekend,

Mrs Bevin and Mrs Molloy

Library will resume on Monday 17th January


Tuesday 18th January – Sibling School Photographs

Wednesday 26th January – WOW service 2pm @ St Peter’s Church

Tuesday 25th – Thursday 27th January – Parent Teacher meetings

Nursery - Spring 1 - Week 1

Date: 6th Jan 2022 @ 4:01pm

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Happy New Year to everyone!

We have loved being back in the classroom and talking to the children about how they celebrated Christmas. We would also like to welcome our new Nursery friends who have joined us this week. All of the children have welcomed them and enjoyed helping them settle in.

This week the children have enjoyed listening to different stories all about ‘New Year’ and talking about how this is celebrated. This brought us to thinking about New Year’s resolutions and our hopes and dreams for 2022.

If you would like to find out more about what we will be learning this term, it is included in our year group overview, which can be found here.

Please also can you make sure your child comes to school with a hat, scarf and gloves if possible. If your child could also practice putting these on and taking them off it would be a great help.


Mrs Bevin and Mrs Molloy